To catch a popular girl, you shouldn’t be so desperate to catch her attention.
This is one of the most popular mistakes that guys make when they are trying to catch a popular girl.
They make it too obvious that they are trying to catch her.
In doing this, they may give her too many compliments or like every single picture on her dating profile.
Again, this will just make you appear as though you are trying too hard to catch this popular girl.
This behavior typically makes you seem desperate and this will turn off the girl that you are trying to catch.
A popular girl tends to respond to her equal or someone that at least closely matches up to her.
Thereby, if you want to catch a popular girl that you met on a dating site, one of the best ways to do it is to become popular as well.
Again, you don’t have to become as popular.
However, gaining some notoriety does help in catching her attention.
A good way to do this is to simply start being more social with people on the dating site.
If you are using a dating site that has a chat room, use this feature to your benefit.
Be a consistent contributor to the chat room.
No, do not go in there just to hit on people and try to get dates.
That is not how you become popular and get your name out there.
Instead, focus on building relationships with the people that frequent the chat room.
Get to know them.
Entertain them.
Give them helpful advice on certain issues that they may be having in the real world that you have some knowledge about.
Give them valuable information about topics that they would have never learned about if not for having met you in the chat room.
When you are this valuable of a contributor to the chat room, your popularity will dramatically go up on a dating site.
Your dating profile will soar to the top of the search results.
If you have a lot in common with this popular girl on your dating profile, the matchmaking algorithm will prioritize your dating profile over others and send you as a match to her on a consistent basis.
This is how catching the attention of this popular girl becomes a whole lot easier.
She will start seeing your dating profile constantly at the top of her search results.
She will see the respect that the dating site has given you by constantly matching her to you.
If she has friends who have used the chat room to meet people, she will hear about you from them.
They would tell her about the amazing conversation that they had with you the other day in the chat room.
They would tell her about how charming and funny you were.
They would tell her about how much of a gentleman that you were.
Unlike the other guys who come into the chat room to hit on girls and try to quickly get their phone numbers, you were nothing of the sort.
You just had a pleasant and fun conversation with them without trying to hit on them.
This is typically the kind of information that catches the attention of a popular girl on a dating site.
She is used to guys trying to hit on her all the time.
When her friends are telling her that there is this guy that they met in the chat room who was so civil and courteous to them, she will be curious about this guy.
This is when she may go to your dating profile to read more about what you are about.
This is where you need to make sure that you have a really good dating profile.
Make it conversational and descriptive.
Have really good pictures of yourself that show you engaged in lots of different activities that you love.
This is how you will be able to catch even more of this popular girl’s attention.
Your dating profile may intrigue her enough to make her send you a message.