Been Dating A Guy Who Only Communicates Via A Dating Site App?

Been Dating A Guy Who Only Communicates Via A Dating Site App?

He hasn’t reached a level of comfort with you where he feels the need to start communicating via another medium.

He may be the kind of guy who takes a while to really warm up to a girl.

Even though the both of you have been out on a few dates, he may still want to take some more time to get to know you via a dating site app before choosing to start communicating with you through another medium.

In your conversations with him, he may have already given you some clues as to the way he approaches dating.

Perhaps he has told you that he tends to avoid diving into a relationship too quickly.

He may have told you about how long it took him to get to know his previous girlfriend before moving the interaction forward.

If he hasn’t indicated to you how long it often takes him to court a girl, he may have sent you clues through his body language.

During your dates with this guy, he may have been somewhat standoffish.

You may have noticed that he wasn’t trying to get too physically close to you.

He may have avoided holding hands and if he did, it wasn’t for a sustained period of time.

He may have avoided touching you as he spoke to you.

These are all indicators that you may be dealing with a guy who takes it really slow when he is courting a girl.

He may be a guy that wants to get to a point with a girl where he truly sees her as girlfriend material before allowing her to become privy to other ways that she can go about communicating with him.

This guy that you have been dating who only communicates via a dating site app may be doing this because he is testing you.

He may be trying to gauge just how much interest you have in him.

He may be hoping that at some point you ask him if it would be okay to start communicating via another medium.

There may already be a part of him that wants to communicate with you via another medium.

However, he may not be quite sure about how you feel about him.

As a result, he may be worried that if he were to try to get you to start communicating with him via another medium, he would be making it too obvious that he really likes you.

Hence, he may be waiting on you to suggest that the both of you should start communicating via a different medium.

This would indicate to him that his relationship with you may be making progress and you may actually be really starting to like him.

The guy that you have been dating who only communicates via a dating site app may be doing so because he wants to keep his relationship with you relatively casual at this time.

He may be worried that if he were to give you another means to start communicating with him, you may take that as a sign that he wants to move his relationship with you to another level.

He may not be ready to do that at this time. Hence, he may not what to have that kind of expectation on him.

As of now, he may just want to maintain more of a casual relationship with you.

He may go out on dates with you, but he may also be open to going out on dates with other girls that he matches with on the dating site app.

At this time, he may not be sure about where he wants his interaction with you to lead, but he doesn’t want to put all of his eggs in one basket.

He still wants to keep his dating options open.

By only communicating with you via a dating site app, he knows that he is able to keep himself from getting serious with anyone before he is ready to do so.