Category Archives: Online Dating Messages

Why Do Some Guys Send Mean Messages On Dating Sites?

Why Do Some Guys Send Mean Messages On Dating Sites?

They are not getting the kind of responses that they hoped they would get from women on dating sites.

In other words, these guys may have sent messages to different women that they liked on dating sites, only to have those women either not respond to those messages or send rude responses.

This may have happened enough times to these guys that they get upset.

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Why Are Some Girls On Dating Sites So Sensitive To What Guys Say?

Why Are Some Girls On Dating Sites So Sensitive To What Guys Say?

These are girls who are already sensitive to these issues in the real world.

Girls don’t suddenly change who they are and what they tend to react to simply because they are on dating sites.

They are still the same person, even though they are now using dating sites to meet potential romantic partners.

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How Often Do Ladies Message A Guy On Online Dating Sites? When They Do, Does It Mean That They Are Really Attracted To Them?

How Often Do Ladies Message A Guy On Online Dating Sites? When They Do, Does It Mean That They Are Really Attracted To Them?

Ladies often message guys on online dating sites depending on how much they like the guy’s online dating profile.

Being that most guys on online dating sites do not put out the proper amount of time and effort on their online dating profiles, ladies tend not to message too many guys during the course of a week.

At least, nowhere near the level of messages sent by guys to ladies on online dating sites.

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Why Do Guys Generally Talk To Lots Of Girls At The Same Time When Using Online Dating Sites?

Why Do Guys Generally Talk To Lots Of Girls At The Same Time When Using Online Dating Sites?

These guys are hoping that they can find the right girl among the bunch.

In essence, they are playing the numbers game.

They know that by talking to lots of girls at the same time when using online dating sites, they give themselves the best chances of finding the perfect girlfriend for them.

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