Does Deleting His Dating Profile Mean He’s Into You?

Does Deleting His Dating Profile Mean He's Into You?

If this is a guy that has told you that he wants to be exclusive to you, deleting his dating profile does mean that he’s into you.

He is actually backing up what he has told you with action.

Instead of just telling you that he wants to be exclusive and proceed to remain active on the dating site, he chose to delete his dating profile entirely.

This often means that he was serious about wanting to become exclusive and he now wants to focus all of his energy on giving this relationship a chance.

When a guy deletes his dating profile in this fashion, it often means that he doesn’t want to be tempted to go back on the dating site.

He knows that if he were to keep his dating profile active, he may feel tempted to come back to the dating site from time to time.

These moments could be when he has just had a fight with you or when he is just bored.

He may be unable to keep himself from coming back to the dating site in these vulnerable moments.

He knows that he would then be tempted to check his messages or look for matches.

He just doesn’t want to put himself in this position.

Hence, he completely deletes his dating profile.

When he does this, he has made a mental decision to take his exclusive relationship with you seriously.

The fact that he has had the foresight to actually return to the dating site and delete his dating profile means that he’s into you.

When a guy deletes his dating profile after telling you that he wants to become exclusive, he is also trying to win over your trust.

He is hoping that in deleting his dating profile, you will understand that he is truly serious about being exclusive.

He is also hoping that in doing so, you will take it upon yourself to take the relationship seriously and put out the right amount of effort to try to make it work.

Now, if this is a guy who hasn’t asked to be exclusive with you but he has deleted his dating profile, this may not necessarily mean that he’s into you.

If you have been talking to him for some time on the dating site and you noticed that he tends to complain a lot about the kind of matches that he gets on the dating site, he may have deleted his dating profile simply because he was fed up.

The fact that he has been talking to you only coincided with the fact that he has now deleted his dating profile.

In other words, he would have deleted his dating profile either way, irrespective of whether he was talking to you or not.

If this guy hasn’t asked you about being exclusive, try not to misread the fact that he deleted his dating profile.

It may have nothing to do with him being into you and more so to do with him just wanting to be done with the dating site or perhaps with online dating in general.

A guy who deletes his dating profile without having asked you to become exclusive to him beforehand doesn’t necessarily mean that he is into you when he is only using the dating site in comparison to other websites that he tends to use to find dates or new friends.

He may have been basically giving the dating site a test run.

Perhaps he prefers finding dates or making new friends on social media or online community websites.

Hence, he may have only been trying out the dating site to see whether it would be as good of a place to meet new dates or friends.

He may have also wanted to determine how comfortable he would be with the format.

In deleting his dating profile, he may have been indicating that he has done enough of a test run on the dating site.

He may have decided that he would much rather stick with other kinds of websites such as social media or online community websites in order to find dates or make new friends.