Does It Mean Anything When A Girl Says, “I’m Moving,” On A Dating Site?

Does It Mean Anything When A Girl Says, "I'm Moving," On A Dating Site?

Saying that she’s moving can easily lead to internal questions about whether she is telling you the truth or whether there is an ulterior meaning to her words.

A good way to discover whether she was telling you the truth about moving would be in how often you notice her being active on the dating site.

Observing her activity is key.

If she is truly moving, she wouldn’t be able to spend much time on the dating site or visit it as often.

If this girl has given you the impression that she is going to be busy because she is currently moving, you should see a lot less activity on her dating profile.

If she told you that she is moving and you are still noticing that she is logging into her online dating account frequently, she may not have been entirely truthful to you.

If she was being truthful, clearly, the fact that she is moving hasn’t stopped her from regularly visiting her dating profile.

Thereby, she may have only said this to you in order to find an excuse to stop talking to you as much on the dating site.

Hence, observe how often she is logging into her online dating account.

This should give you an idea about whether she was being truthful in telling you that she is moving.

When a girl on a dating site says that she’s moving, it may mean that she is about to move.

She may actually still want to use the dating site and also continue communicating with you.

However, she may believe that she doesn’t have the time to engage in lengthy discussions.

Knowing that you are someone that may want to engage in lengthy discussions with her on the dating site, she may want to give you some warning that she will not be able to do that for some time.

Hence, by telling you that she is moving, she may be preparing you for the likelihood that the length of conversations that she is going to have with you will drastically reduce in the coming days or weeks.

She may be trying to prepare you for this.

She doesn’t want to be in the process of moving and have the added pressure of having to continue lengthy conversations with you on the dating site.

She may also not want the added pressure of having to respond to your messages in a timely fashion.

She knows that she is going to be preoccupied with moving, and as a result, she wants you to be prepared for that.

She knows that her messages are most likely going to be shorter and more spread out while she is in the process of moving and she doesn’t want this to become a point of contention between the both of you.

By saying that she’s moving, she is giving you some time to process the strong likelihood that her messages to you may not be as lengthy or speedy as they have normally been in the past.

When a girl on a dating site says that she’s moving, it may mean that she is also trying to gauge how you feel about long distance relationships.

She may not be entirely sure about whether she wants one.

She may be gauging how you react to this information so that she can ascertain whether she indeed wants to continue communicating with you.

Being that she is moving, she may want to see whether there is any point in continuing her correspondence with you on the dating site if you are apprehensive about long distance relationships.

Though the both of you may not be in a long distance relationship right now, she may want to get a feel about whether this is something that she would want to engage in if she were to keep up her correspondence with you.

By gauging your response and further processing how she feels, she may ultimately decide to either end her correspondence with you or take a chance on the possibility of an eventual long distance relationship by continuing to correspond.