Guys, If You Text A Girl That You Met On A Dating Website Everyday, What Does That Mean?

Guys, If You Text A Girl That You Met On A Dating Website Everyday, What Does That Mean?

A lot depends on the kind of texts that this guy is sending you everyday.

This guy that you met on a dating website would text you in a particular way if he is actually into you.

If he texts you everyday but makes sure to have really substantive conversations with you where he is asking you lots of questions about yourself, this is often a good sign that he is into you.

Typically, when a guy spends a lot of time trying to get to know a girl as he is texting her, he is showing that he is interested in learning more about her.

He is trying to get as much information about her as he can.

He wants to determine how much he has in common with her.

He wants to get a good idea of what her life experience has been like.

He wants to understand how she thinks.

This is a guy that is prospecting you.

If he is going to really give of himself emotionally, he wants to make sure that you are someone who would be worth that kind of risk.

Hence, if this guy that you met on a dating website tends to have substantive conversations with you when he texts you, there is a good chance that he is texting you everyday because he really likes you.

If a guy texts a girl that he met on a dating website everyday but he isn’t asking her out on dates, he is most likely only texting her in order to keep her around as an option.

In essence, he may already be dating a few other girls that he has on a higher level of priority than the girl that he is texting everyday.

However, he knows that if he were to come to a point where those girls are no longer responsive to going out on dates with him, he can turn to the girl that he has been texting everyday as a backup.

So, you really have to make an assessment of how often this guy that you met on a dating website has asked you out on dates.

If you have noticed that he hasn’t asked you out on any dates or he has only asked you out on one or two, he may be keeping you around as a backup.

When a guy is texting a girl everyday because he truly likes her, he will be constantly setting up dates with her.

If he is not doing this with you or is barely doing it, there is a good chance that he is just keeping you as a possible alternative to other girls that he is dating who have higher priority to him than you do.

This is especially true if you notice that he never seems to want to talk about doing something with you.

You may hint at doing an activity together and he may ignore what you said or may just change the topic entirely.

However, a guy like this will try to keep flirting with you and give you compliments when he texts you.

This is how he keeps you in a romantic mindset.

This way, if he ever needs to use you as a backup date, he can do that with a higher likelihood that you would agree to meet up with him.

When a guy texts a girl that he met on a dating website everyday, it may mean that he likes corresponding with the girl but only as a friend.

He may not have many friends in his life who are girls.

He may like the fact that he can easily have conversations with you and just be himself.

When a guy only texts you everyday because he sees you as a friend, you will be able to determine this based on the kind of texts that he sends you.

You will notice that he never flirts with you.

He will also do a lot of complaining about something to do with his life in his text conversations with you.

He may complain to you about a boss at work that he hates or a coworker who keeps talking badly about him behind his back.

He may complain about how bad traffic was that day or how badly the barista messed up his cappuccino at the drive-thru.

In essence, he would be texting you in the same way that friends do.

There would be lots of complaining.

This is when you know that he just likes you as a friend.