Nice guys who strike out with women in the real world will strike out with women on internet dating sites.
Most nice guys still use the same approach in talking to women on internet dating sites as they do in the real world.
As a nice guy, understand that you are still dealing with real flesh and blood women on internet dating sites.
Thereby, you will fail with them if you keep using the same tactics that you have used on them in the real world.
Nice guys who start using internet dating sites often find it hard to understand this.
They suddenly believe that because they are now on internet dating sites, somehow, the same rules that are essential in successfully courting women do not apply.
Well, they do.
You have to understand this if you are a nice guy. If you don’t, you will just continue striking out with women just as you have done in real life.
The problem with nice guys and their approach to women is that they make it too easy for the women.
Women actually like a challenge.
Most nice guys do not give women a challenge.
They often grovel and say whatever they think the woman would approve of.
This is what they do in the real world and the same thing that they do on internet dating sites.
This is one of the major reasons why nice guys continue to strike out with women on internet dating sites.
You can’t come into internet dating sites with the same approach and believe that you are miraculously going to start having success with women.
If you are a nice guy and you want to stop striking out with women, you have to stop grovelling.
You have to stand up for yourself.
Don’t be afraid to give her an opposing opinion.
Don’t be afraid to tease her, respectfully of course.
Don’t be afraid to flirt with her without going overboard and just getting too vulgar.
Don’t be afraid to critique her about something, as long as you aren’t being rude about it.
Don’t be afraid to be unavailable to her when she reaches out to you.
This can go on and on and on.
The truth is, it is really not rocket science when it comes to learning the proper way to court women, whether they are on internet dating sites or in the real world.
The real problem here may be your unwillingness, as a nice guy, to make a change.
It can be scary to change how one goes about doing something.
Oftentimes, it is just easier to stay in your comfort zone and keep doing the same thing over and over again.
If you never make a change to what you have been doing when it comes to courting women, you will continue to get the same result.
It is that simple.
As a nice guy, nothing will change and you will continue to strike out with women until you have the courage to make simple changes to how you go about courting women.
Nice guys who strike out with women on internet dating sites are often the ones who are unable to grasp the fact that women truly want you to give them a reason to like you.
Women will have no motivation to carry on a conversation with you on internet dating sites when you aren’t able to give them some mystery or unpredictability.
When they already know how you will respond to something that they ask you on an internet dating site, you are boring to them and nowhere near a challenge.
However, when you choose to answer a question that they ask you from a completely different angle, you can totally blindside them and make yourself incredibly intriguing in the process.
For example, she may ask you a question about what some of your hobbies are.
Instead of giving her the traditional answers that most nice guys would, e.g., playing video games, watching sports, you could actually tell her something different from the norm.
Perhaps you have an unusual hobby that you enjoy partaking in.
This is your opportunity to tell her about it as opposed to sticking to the safer hobbies that most guys have.
This takes her by surprise and completely intrigues her.
She may have never come across a guy who has a hobby like this.
Now you have created further questions in her mind that she would like answered.
You have made yourself really interesting to her.
Nice guys often want to play it safe with their answers to women.
By throwing caution to the wind and not being afraid to be different, you dramatically increase your chances of getting women to like you.
You can use all of these tips without ever having to compromise yourself as a nice guy.
The problem has never been that you are a nice guy.
The problem has always been that you play it too safe and are unwilling to take risks with women.
With this kind of approach, nice guys will continue to strike out with women on internet dating sites and anywhere else.