You have to attract the right kind of guys to you on dating websites.
If you want guys who will want to do more than chill and hang out with you, you have to convey this message in your dating profile.
You should be descriptive about the kind of person that you are in your dating profile.
Your dating profile is often what guys use to judge you as a person and the kind of lifestyle that you must have.
If you present yourself in a very casual way in your dating profile, then you will most likely keep attracting the kind of guys who just want to chill and hang out with you on dating websites.
What you present yourself to be in your dating profile is what you will attract.
If you would rather attract the kind of guys who would want to go out and get involved in exciting activities with you, that is the message that you have to convey in your dating profile.
Write about the activities that you love to engage in.
Write about how long you have been engaged in those activities and why they make you feel so good.
Write about the kind of activities that you are planning to engage in soon.
These are all clues to the guys that visit your dating profile that being active is something that is important to you and is a very relevant aspect to your personality and lifestyle.
By setting the expectation about the activities that you are intent on doing in the near future, you send the message to these guys that if they are to message you, they would have to be open to getting involved in those future activities as well.
This helps in discouraging guys who would have only wanted to chill and hang out with you to send you messages.
You can even go further by giving examples of some of the recent activities that you were involved in.
Perhaps you just recently ran a marathon or did some traveling.
Write about what those experiences were like in detail.
This is how you give guys that visit your dating profile a stronger idea of the kind of person that you are.
Use your dating profile pictures to further illustrate what kind of person that you are.
Post pictures of yourself in this marathon.
Post pictures of yourself in various travel locations that you have been to.
These are all ways that you can get guys who visit your dating profile on dating websites to understand how important outdoor activities are to you.
This helps you to filter out those guys who wouldn’t want to be this active with someone.
This means that the majority of messages that you receive will be from guys who may have also engaged in the same activities that you have and would like to know more about you as a result.
You can get guys on dating websites to want to do more than chill and hang out with you when you are able to get them to talk about more substantive topics during your early conversations with them on dating websites.
Test their knowledge on certain topics that matter to you.
If you are trying to talk to them about a particular activity that is near and dear to you and they show next to no interest in it, this may be a guy that would just want to chill and hang out with you and nothing more.
Use your initial conversations with guys on dating websites as your filter.
Make it a habit to talk about various activities that you love to engage in.
If you are dealing with a guy who truly loves outdoor activities, he will become very animated during these conversations.
He will be passionate in the way he talks about said activities and will give you a vivid account about his experiences.
This is how you know that you are talking to a guy who shares a lot of the same passion in the activities that you do.
This increases the likelihood that you would be able to do a lot more with this guy than chill and hang out, if the both of you were to start dating in real life.