You need to avoid sending two particular kinds of messages.
The first kind of message is the short generic message.
If you send short generic messages like, “Hi,” or “Hey there,” you will not only leave a very bad first impression but you may also appear needy.
A person who reads this kind of message may instantly assume that you are copying and pasting these exact kind of messages and sending them out to multiple people on the online dating site at the same time.
These kind of messages are so impersonal that the recipient will just assume that you are aren’t even bothering to read their online dating profile to see if they would be someone that you would connect with.
This makes the person feel like you will simply take anyone that you can get regardless of what that person wrote in their online dating profile.
It also makes that person feel like you are treating them as though they are nothing but a number and this tends to be a major turnoff.
The second kind of message is the overly long message.
To not appear needy in online dating, avoid overdoing the messages that you send by writing too much.
When you send a person a message on an online dating site and it is very wordy, the person may feel as though you are trying too hard to impress them.
This can be a total turnoff to this person.
They don’t want to interact with someone who is so needy that they felt obligated to write about almost every major facet of their lives in their message.
If you were to go on and on about yourself or the other person in the message, you will appear as though you are trying way too hard to establish a connection with this person.
This never leaves a good first impression.
In order not to appear needy in this scenario, you should focus on sending succinct and substantive messages.
Your messages have a better chance of being responded to if you reference something that the person wrote about passionately in their online dating profile.
This is one of the best ways to connect with someone on an online dating site and not appear needy.
Another way not to appear needy in online dating is by avoiding trying to meet up with a person in real life so soon after beginning to communicate with that person on the online dating site.
Some people make the mistake of asking to meet in life really early in their interaction with someone.
By doing this, you give the other person the impression that you are so desperate to meet someone that you can’t even allow the process of getting to know each other unfold naturally.
By trying to get someone to meet you on a date in real life so soon after starting to chat with that person on an online dating site, you make the person feel as though you are all about your own agenda and what you want.
You come off as though you are in desperate need to satisfy a discrepancy in your life that you hope this person will fulfill.
No one wants to feel that kind of pressure or feel as though they are some kind of puppet in your game of desperation.
In order not to appear needy when you first start communicating with someone on an online dating site, focus on building rapport with that person first.
Let your conversations flow naturally.
Relate to some of the information that you are learning about, if indeed there are commonalities.
Talk about experiences that you have had in your life that have helped shape who you are in present day.
In other words, focus on having truly substantive conversations.
The more you focus on this, the more likely that at some appropriate point a suggestion to meet in real life will just flow naturally into the conversation.