How To Message A Guy On An Online Dating Site?

How To Message A Guy On An Online Dating Site?

Send a message that relates to his online dating profile.

You can ask him an open-ended question about something significant that he wrote about in his online dating profile.

For example, if he wrote about going on a trip to Europe and was very descriptive and passionate about it, this is a topic that you can open with.

You could send a message saying something like, “What was the best part about your trip to Europe?”

This is a very effective way to message a guy on an online dating site because you are starting off by asking him a question about something that he was very passionate about detailing in his online dating profile essay.

This means that he will have a much higher likelihood of responding to your message and opening up a conversation with you.

He would most likely be intrigued that you took the time to read his online dating profile and send him a message that related to something significant that he wrote about in it.

This would also set you apart from a lot of the other women on the online dating site who send messages that are very frivolous and generic in nature.

He may be more used to being sent messages from women on the online dating site that reads something like, “Hey,” or “Hello, I am INSERT NAME HERE.”

Messages like these from women on the online dating site are very generic and bland.

If he is a guy who is looking for a substantive interaction with a woman on the online dating site, he will most likely not reply to the majority of these kind of messages.

Another way to message a guy on an online dating site is to send him a humorous message.

You could use his online dating profile as your guide.

Find something on it that he wrote about in a self-deprecating or humorous way and use that.

It could be something that he was making fun of himself about.

Perhaps he wrote something about being a bad singer.

You could send him a funny message opener that reads something like, “Are you really that bad of a singer? I make people cry with my singing, and not in the ‘this is so beautiful’ kind of way?”

This is a humorous message and very effective.

You are using something that he wrote about in a humorous or self-deprecatingly manner on his online dating profile essay.

You are now taking that topic and relating to it by being self-deprecating and humorous as well.

This is how you can make him instantly laugh when he reads your message.

Laughter is a great way to break the ice when you are trying to open up conversation with a guy on an online dating site.

By laughing, he has already warmed up to you and would be that much more willing to respond to your message because of that.

Your message also helps to convey that you have a sense of humor.

Hence, he may be intrigued by that and the fact that you most likely have a dynamic personality.

You can also message a guy on an online dating site by impressing him with some information that you know about something that he passionately wrote about on his online dating profile essay.

Giving him a bit of trivia information like this about something that he may or may not be aware of can leave a really good impression.

It instantly helps him connect with you.

Again, look for something that he wrote about with great interest and passion on his online dating profile.

For example, he may have written passionately about an incredible experience he had rock climbing.

You could use this to help formulate your message.

You could do some research and find out about what the highest rocky mountain is.

You could then send him an informative message saying something like, “Did you happen to know that the name of the highest rocky mountain is …? Have you ever climbed that mountain?”

This is a highly effective way to go about sending a message to a guy on an online dating site.

By initially divulging that bit of information, you have already impressed him with your knowledge.

By following that up with a question that relates to that information, you have given him something to use to easily open up conversation with you.

You would be using a topic that he would be interested in talking about.

Hence, you are able to open up a conversation that could ultimately lead to different topics.