I’d Like To Go On Dates But I’m Really Timid When It Comes To Online Dating. How Can I Do This?

I'd Like To Go On Dates But I'm Really Timid When It Comes To Online Dating. How Can I Do This?

Though you’d like to go on dates, if you are really timid, it may be best to work on your confidence before coming into online dating.

This actually doesn’t take long to accomplish.

You simply have to start focusing on engaging in activities that make you feel good and you are skilled at doing more often.

You should set out new short-term tasks for yourself and accomplish them.

Each time that you accomplish a short-term task, it will make you feel that much more confident in yourself and less timid.

Doing these kind of exercises helps to build your confidence tremendously because they allow you to start believing more and more in yourself and what you are capable of.

Though you’d like to go on dates through online dating, do understand that working on your confidence first puts you in a much better position to get dates.

The short-term tasks could really be anything, as long as they are tasks that you are capable of doing.

They could be short-term physical tasks or short-term social tasks.

A short-term physical task may be deciding that you are going to run a mile.

This is something that you have never done. However, you have always been somewhat athletic.

Hence, you decide to take this challenge on.

This is a short-term physical task that you can accomplish literally in one day.

If you were to engage in this short-term physical task and succeed, you would feel incredibly good about yourself.

This sense of accomplishment can do a lot in building your self-confidence.

Again, though you’d like to go on dates through online dating, you should never underestimate the influence of a healthy self-confidence.

This can really take you far when it comes to the dating life that you will soon have after doing these exercises.

The fact that you took on this short-term physical task and you succeeded in it will make you that much more willing to take on another short-term physical task.

Every new short-term physical task that you partake in and succeed at will make you feel that much more confident in yourself.

You will soon notice that, though you may have been really timid in the past, you are no longer that way because your confidence has really built up.

An example of a short-term social task could be deciding to make eye contact with a stranger and sustain it with a smile during the course of your day.

Though that may seem intimidating at first, it really can be done with ease.

You could go about it in a number of ways.

For example, you could simply hold the door open for someone.

Doing a kind gesture like this has already made the other person grateful and thereby it would be easier for you to make eye contact with this person and smile at them.

Doing these little kind of favors for people as you go about your day and taking advantage of those moments by making eye contact and smiling can boost your confidence tremendously.

This is the kind of confidence that you can eventually use on an online dating site to help you get dates.

After doing a few short-term exercises like this and you have noticed that you are no longer feeling really timid, but instead, you are feeling more confident, you can start online dating.

Coming into online dating with this kind of confident mindset is one of the best ways to go about online dating.

If you were to come into online dating when you are still really timid simply because you’d like to go on dates, you may fail dramatically.

People on the online dating site would notice that you are really timid as they interact with you and this may turn them off.

They may not want to keep communicating with you as a result.

Having a healthy dose of confidence can take you a long way in life and this is no different in online dating.

Work on your confidence first. This way, when you start online dating, you will have a lot more success in getting dates.