If I Am Dating Multiple Guys From An Online Dating Site And Finally Decide To Be Exclusive With One, How Do I End It With The Other Guys?

If I Am Dating Multiple Guys From An Online Dating Site And Finally Decide To Be Exclusive With One, How Do I End It With The Other Guys?

Be honest and let these other guys know that you are no longer interested in dating them.

Now that you have finally decided to be exclusive with the one guy, you should end your relationships with the other guys that you have been dating definitively.

You should do this sooner than later.

Some women who date multiple guys from an online dating site and finally decide to be exclusive with one often make the mistake of not definitively ending those relationships.

They are vague in how they go about ending it.

They may say phrases like, “I need some time,” “I need space,” “I am really busy,” etc.

These are phrases that will keep many of these guys sticking around.

You will not be giving them a definitive end by using phrases like this in an attempt to end your relationship with them.

These multiple guys that you have been dating from an online dating site will just keep trying to date you when you use this approach.

If you have come to the point where you have finally decided to be exclusive with one of these guys, you end it with the other guys by telling them that you are no longer interested in them and you no longer want to date them.

It is really that simple.

If you try to go about ending your relationship with these guys by being ambiguous in what you say, they will not leave you alone.

If these guys are still trying to date you, this will cause some disruption with the exclusive relationship that you want to engage in with the one guy.

You don’t want this kind of disruption.

The focus should be on building your exclusive relationship, not on trying to keep the multiple guys that you were dating from an online dating site at bay.

There has to be a definitive end to your relationships with those guys in order for you to move forward with this exclusive relationship in a healthy way.

When you definitively tell these guys that the relationship is over, how you behave after that is very important.

You have to back up what you have just done with how you behave.

Oftentimes, women who have been dating multiple guys from an online dating site and want to go exclusive with one, will make the mistake of still continuing to stay in touch with some of those guys after having ended her relationship with them.

Doing this will keep those guys in her life.

It gives them hope that she will one day start dating them again.

Hence, they continue to contact her and sweet-talk her.

The early stages of a new relationship are the most difficult.

This is often where a partner is most susceptible to cheating.

If she is to have an argument with the guy that she is in a new and exclusive relationship with, she may complain about him to some of the other guys that she used to date and has kept in her life.

Some of these guys could use this opportunity to convince her that she shouldn’t be with that guy and that she should start dating them again instead.

By keeping these multiple guys that she used to date in her life, she is now putting herself in a very dangerous position.

She could easily be tempted to cheat on her exclusive partner with one of these guys.

Any one of them who has maintained contact with her would be willing and able to do so.

This is why what you do after ending your relationship with the multiple guys that you were dating from an online dating site is so important.

You have to back up your words with action.

This means that you should no longer communicate with these guys nor should you respond to their messages or phone calls.

If you have to, block them from contacting you.

This is how you enable yourself to truly end those relationships, so that you can give your new exclusive relationship the best chance at succeeding.