You shouldn’t make up a story about how you met to your friends and family.
Doing this will make it that much harder for you to validate this fabricated story.
At some point, someone outside of your circle may reveal to them that you and your significant other met online.
This would confuse them and make them take offense to the fact that you lied to them.
Then you would have to start backtracking or finding ways to cover up that lie.
There is no need to complicate your life in this way.
In the end, your friends and family want you to be happy.
That is their utmost desire for you.
Whether you met the person that makes you happy on an online dating site or at a real life venue is really irrelevant.
As long as you are happy, that is all that really matters.
If you met your significant other online, you shouldn’t make up a story about how you met to your friends and family because you would be keeping your friends and family from getting a better understanding of online dating.
If you met this significant other on an online dating site and this significant other truly makes you happy, the fact that you met them on an online dating site should be something that you should be touting.
You may have never met someone this amazing.
Why wouldn’t you want to share how you went about meeting this significant other to the world if asked?
Do understand that online dating is no longer anywhere near as stigmatized as it used to be. If it was, it wouldn’t be as popular as it is today.
By letting your friends and family know how you met your significant other, you would be sharing something with them that they may have never even considered.
Not so much because they were against it but simply because they just don’t know that much about it.
By sharing the fact that you met your significant other online, you would be able to let your friends and family in on a way of going about meeting a romantic partner that may be very useful and beneficial to them.
The reason why online dating has become so widespread is because of the willingness of people who have tried and succeeded at it being open and honest about how they went about meeting the significant others that they are so happy being with.
This is what has then made other people feel encouraged to try online dating.
Some of these people also went on to find significant others online.
By making up a story about how you met your significant other to your friends and family, you may rob some of them of the opportunity to try online dating so as to find significant others for themselves.
If you met your significant other online, you shouldn’t make up a story about how you met to your friends and family because you may find yourself constantly having to lie to your friends and family every time you meet a new significant other online.
In other words, if your relationship with your current significant other weren’t to work out and you were to return to online dating to find another significant other, you may have to constantly lie to your friends and family about where you are meeting your dates.
If you were to hang out with your friends and family and one of the dates that you met online were to show up, you would have to lie about where you met them just so that you can keep your story straight.
If you were to engage in other activities with friends and family and another date was to show up there, you would have to lie to them again about how you met this date.
In essence, you would be continuously lying about how you are meeting all of your dates.
This could make hanging out with your friends and family nerve-wracking.
You would be constantly worried about what you should tell them about how you met your new significant other or new date.
You may even try to avoid hanging out with your friends and family along with your date because you just don’t want to have to explain how you met that date to them.
This could lead your friends and family to wonder why you are excluding them from certain social events or why you are not showing up to certain social events that they invite you to.
This is how making up a story about how you met your significant other to your friends and family can really stress out and inconvenience your life.
Being honest from the start about how you met your significant other to your friends and family eradicates all of this drama.