You should do whatever is working on the one dating website that is getting better results, on the other two as well.
Hence, if there is a particular way that you have gone about constructing your dating profile on the one dating website that is getting better results, you should do the same on the other two.
If you initially joined 3 dating websites, you were most likely trying to broaden your search for a mate as much as you could.
Now that you have noticed that you are getting better results on just one of those 3 dating websites, you may be able to improve your results on the other two by duplicating what you have been doing successfully on the one.
If you do this, you may be able to triple the results that you are getting across all 3 dating websites.
However, if you actually have identical dating profiles on all 3 dating websites and you are still only getting better results on just one, it may be because that one dating website best suits your personality.
If this is the case, it would be a good idea to focus the majority of your attention on the dating website that is actually getting better results.
Try not to fall into the temptation of giving all 3 dating websites equal time.
Doing this would mean that you would be wasting your time and effort on the two dating websites that aren’t getting you results.
This means that you may miss out on having conversations with people who would rather message you while you are live on the dating website that is actually getting better results.
If they keep missing you because you are still logged into one of the two dating websites that aren’t getting you results, they may eventually give up on trying to send you a live message.
Thereby, you would miss out on people who could have been great matches for you.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to let something go because you want it to work so much. This is why a person like you would stay fixated on making the other two dating websites work.
Perhaps you have friends or colleagues who have had success on those other two dating websites and as a result, you want to be just as successful as they have been on them.
However, do understand that not every dating website will be a compatible fit for everyone.
If your friends or colleagues have gotten great results on those two dating websites that you are not getting results on, it may be because those two dating websites best suit their personalities.
This may not be the exact type of personality that you are.
It is not necessarily your fault that you haven’t been able to get better results on these two dating websites.
If you are just not the right fit for the kind of dating websites that they are, you just aren’t.
This is why there are so many dating websites to choose from.
If you are not succeeding in one, you may succeed with another.
Hence, your best option at this time would be to focus the majority of your time and energy on the one dating website that you are getting better results on.
There is a reason why this is the one dating website that you are getting better results on.
Take account of what it is that the people on this dating website are responding positively to and do more of it.
For example, if you keep getting messages from people telling you that they really like your pictures, post more of them.
If you keep getting messages from people telling you that they loved the sense of humor that you showed in your bio, use more of that humor in other parts of your bio.
This is how you are able to maximize what you are doing right so that you will further increase the amount of success that you are having on this one dating website.