If you have been getting messages from guys who mostly reference the fact that you are cute on an online dating site, those guys may be either looking for a hookup or truly believe that they are giving you a compliment.
Some guys may contact you just because you’re cute and they want to hook up with you.
Other guys may contact you because you’re cute and they want you to know that.
The guys who contact you just because they want to hook up may feel that they have a good enough reason to do so.
As long as these guys on an online dating site are honest with you about their intentions to hook up early on in their interaction with you, it is up to you if you want to do the same.
However, there are indeed some guys who may have felt that they had good enough reason to contact you and let you know that you are cute simply because they wanted to give you a compliment.
They are not necessarily using the online dating site to hook up.
These guys may truly feel that they are trying to make you feel good by contacting you and starting off with a compliment.
This may be how they have normally gone about talking to girls that they are attracted to in the real world.
They may have always started off with giving the girl a compliment.
Hence, these guys on an online dating site may have felt that they were just being nice in contacting you and calling you cute or pretty and thereby, they had a good enough reason.
For the most part, these guys do hope that you take the compliment well and respond to them. However, if you don’t, they try not to take it personally.
As far as they are concerned, they did a nice deed by contacting you and sending you a compliment.
They won’t lose sleep over having done that because they felt that they had a good enough reason to do it.
Now, it may be difficult to tell which kind of guy you are dealing with.
You may wonder whether you are dealing with a guy who just wants to hook up or a guy who is genuinely complimenting you and isn’t looking to hook up.
Regardless of the type of guy that you think you are dealing with, it is still a good idea not to always discard messages that you get from guys who are contacting you because you’re cute.
Some of these guys may have actually turned out to be a good match for you.
They may simply not understand that calling a girl cute or pretty on an online dating site as opposed to doing it in real life, may come off as a lot more superficial than what they were actually intending.
Whereas, in real life, depending on the context and environment, saying that could come off as endearing.
If you want to ensure that you aren’t missing out on genuine romantic opportunities, try taking a look at the online dating profiles of some of these guys who contact you just because you’re cute.
If they are the kind of guys who are only looking for a hookup, their online dating profiles will normally be very short and unsubstantial.
They may primarily write about superficial topics like their bikes, boats, cars, etc. They may also have online dating profile photos that make them appear that much more superficial.
They may be showing off said bike, boat or car in them.
These are your cues that this guy is most likely looking to hook up.
On the other hand, if you were to visit the online dating profile of another guy who contacted you seemingly just because you’re cute and you see a detailed and substantive online dating profile, he may be someone worth responding to.
If you notice that he talks about more important topics on his online dating profile and his photos are not boastful in nature but show him engaged in legitimate and personal activities, he may be someone to consider responding to.