They are hoping to start chatting with that guy on a more personal level.
These ladies may be open to talking to a guy who lives far away.
They may not be entirely sure of what their intentions are if or when they give a guy their number.
However, they are keeping themselves open to the possibility that a long distance relationship may be in the future.
A long distance relationship may not be their first choice however.
These ladies may have been using online dating sites for a while and haven’t had much luck in meeting guys that they like who live close to them.
Hence, they may not have necessarily started using online dating sites with the intent of getting into long distance relationships but they are now considering it.
They may have gotten frustrated after a while of not finding what they are looking for while using online dating sites.
As a result, they may broaden their search to guys who may live far away just so that they can give themselves more of a chance of finding a romantic match.
These ladies may have intentions to start talking to this guy that they gave their number to.
They may not exactly know where this interaction is going to lead but they have gotten to the point where they are open to trying something new and different.
When ladies who use online dating sites give a guy who lives far away their number, they may already have intentions to move away from where they are live.
In other words, they may have already been thinking about moving away from where they currently live at some point in the foreseeable future.
If or when they give a guy their number, they may be of the mindset that they are already planning to move out into the guy’s region at some point in the near future.
Thereby, they might as well start communicating with guys who live in that region.
Hence, though the guy currently lives far away, these ladies may already feel as though they are ready to move from where they currently live.
They may simply be in the process of finishing up on some local responsibilities before they are ready to move.
However, they give a guy their number because they want to get a head start on interacting with guys who live in this new area.
This way, if they hit if off with this guy who lives far away from them at this time, they will know that they have a guy that they can meet up with once they move to that new region.
Ladies who use online dating sites that give a guy who lives far away their number, may also have the intentions of simply having someone to talk to if or when they give a guy their number.
These ladies may simply be bored with their lives and feel as though it wouldn’t hurt to talk to as many guys as they find interesting.
Hence, they may not feel encumbered by a guy who lives far away or long distance because all they are really looking to do is talk.
These are ladies who may not be necessarily looking for a serious relationship at this time.
They may simply be looking to start talking to more people in their lives.
Perhaps they have just recently gotten out of a serious relationship and don’t feel as though they are emotionally available to anyone.
By giving a guy who lives far away their number, they may be hoping that they can give themselves a distraction from the emotional impact of the breakup.