Online dating can be a harsh cruel world when it comes to attracting people that are on your level.
You have been told that you are hot, beautiful, handsome, good-looking, your whole life.
This has not just been relegated to the mother and father that made you.
You have been told this from strangers, work colleagues, acquaintances, social media followers, etc.
You have had an eclectic mix of people who have told you that you are hot.
With this in mind, you join a dating site or app.
You are expecting to receive a load of messages and attention.
You don’t get anywhere near that.
You get some messages and attention but middling at best.
Now a question that you have never really had to deal with your entire life imprints itself in your brain.
You wonder whether you are as hot as you think you are.
Were all those people through the duration of your life lying to you when they told you about how hot you are?
Has this all been some kind of weird hoax?
It can’t possibly be.
These weren’t only family members or friends who told you that you are hot.
These are strangers too.
These are people who have no emotional investment in your happiness and yet they told you that you are hot.
What exactly are you missing here?
It can truly be a shock to some attractive people when they decide to join a dating site or app and don’t get the attention that they were anticipating.
They start questioning their looks and their own reality.
You don’t need to panic.
You are still as hot as you think you are.
In fact, you may be too hot.
Human beings on dating sites are still human beings with human frailties.
Think about your own life.
True, there have been a number of people that you don’t know who have told you how hot you are, but there have been a lot more people who haven’t, even when they noticed how hot you are.
Most people are naturally shy when it comes expressing what they think about someone else’s looks.
The people that have told you that you are hot were the bold people.
They aren’t in the majority.
It is no different on dating sites and apps.
Having a series of hot pics of yourself on dating sites and apps can easily intimidate people who are looking for a match, even if some of those people are hot as well.
They can easily see you as someone who is completely out of their league who wouldn’t give them the time of day.
To avoid the anticipated rejection, they choose not to show any interest and bypass your dating profile.
There are also many people on dating sites and apps who are very dubious when they are presented with a dating profile filled with pics of a hot person.
These are people who have been on the receiving end of so many fake messages that were sent from the fake dating profiles of very hot people.
These are fake dating profiles created by spambots intent on obtaining private information from these people for financial gain.
When people who have been victims of these spambots are presented with your dating profile, they easily put you in the category of fake profile and refrain from messaging you.
With these obstacles, tweaks to your dating profile are necessary.
Besides your primary pic, which should be a good headshot of yourself, get rid of the rest of your pics that are more superficial in nature.
A bunch of shots of your hot face and nothing more easily intimidates.
Instead, post pics of yourself involved in real life activities that are meaningful to you.
These pics take the focus away from your hotness and spotlights the activity.
This is how you will be able to make a connection with more people so that they don’t only see you as this unobtainable, model-like person.
This gives your dating profile credibility.
The people who are weary of receiving messages from spambot fake profiles are familiar with how those dating profiles look.
In seeing your pics that show you engaged with your natural environment and undertaking an activity, whether it be hiking, biking, canoeing, traveling, scuba diving, etc., they will instantly be able to tell that you are actually a real person.
Making your pics a lot more relatable is how you overcome the lack of attention that you are receiving.