Though you may have fallen for a player while online dating, you should try not to blame yourself to the point where you feel like an idiot.
Most people are going to stumble when they start online dating.
You are putting yourself in an arena where there are lots of people who are going to have their own motivations.
Some of those people will be honest about their motivations and others won’t.
When online dating, you really have to be cognizant of this.
A player online may come at you in a way that makes you believe that they are seeking what you are seeking.
In other words, they may give you the impression initially that they are looking for a relationship.
Indeed, the player may even mention this in their dating profile.
You may have come across the player’s dating profile and liked what you saw.
Players can be very good with words.
You may have fallen for these words and began interacting with this player on the online dating site.
Everything may have seemed fine at first and you may have allowed yourself to fall for him.
Unfortunately, you may have fallen for this player too quickly.
You have since found out that this player was never truly interested in pursuing a serious relationship.
Though you may feel like an idiot for putting yourself in this position, you are not alone.
People fall for players on online dating sites all the time.
Now that you have had this experience, you shouldn’t beat yourself up for it.
Instead, you should learn from it.
When online dating, there are some key signs that will tell you that you are communicating with a player.
A player will often not remember the details of certain conversations that you have had with them in the past.
You may bring up one of those details in a future conversation and they may either not remember it or completely contradict it.
This is how you know that this person is not taking the conversations seriously.
If they aren’t taking the conversations seriously, they aren’t truly trying to get to know you.
This may be because all they actually care about is hooking up with you.
When online dating, another way to tell that you are dealing with a player is when they are very quick with wanting to meet you on a date in real life.
You may have barely started to get to know each other and the person may already be asking you to meet them on a date in real life.
You should instantly look at this as a red flag.
A person who is a player will often not want to take the time to really get to know someone online.
This to them would be a waste of their energy.
They often want to use their gift of knowing exactly what words to use in order to entice whoever they are talking to online to feel that much more taken with them.
Once they get a sense that they have the person caught in their trap of whimsical charm, they take advantage of that moment by trying to get the person to meet them on a date in real life.
There goal is to sleep with the person by the end of that date or soon after.
Unfortunately, if you were to fall for their ruse and meet them, you may end up also regretting the fact that you slept with them too soon.
You may feel like an idiot at that point because your eyes have been opened to the fact that you fell for a player.
This is why you should exercise patience whenever you are communicating with someone online.
Don’t simply believe what they tell you in terms of the kind of relationship that they are looking for.
First discover whether this person has a pattern of remembering details about you that you have revealed in previous conversations.
If they can’t remember those details, there is a good chance that you are dealing with a player.