Online Dating: How To Stop Idolizing Someone You’ve Never Met?

Online Dating: How To Stop Idolizing Someone You've Never Met?

Your mind is filling in the gaps and creating a fantasy that doesn’t exist.

Whether you have had conversations with this person that have now ended or you never even got to talk to this person, you can’t truly know who they are and how things would have turned out by merely using your imagination.

Your imagination is a very powerful tool that will often deceive you into thinking that there is something more to a person than there really is.

It is easy to idolize someone who never had to prove themselves.

When all that you have to work with are a handful of conversations that you had with the person on a dating site or the person’s online dating profile, your mind can easily start filling in the blanks and giving you a false fantasy to embrace.

This is a person that makes you feel good.

When you think about them, the dopamine levels in your brain skyrocket, making you feel an enhanced sense of pleasure and security.

This is a feeling that can become incredibly addicting.

The more you think about this person, the more you experience that high.

Like a drug addict, your mind and body will keep craving this sensation.

You have to have it.

You become your own worst enemy in the process by returning to this person’s online dating or even social media profile.

You can’t help but reread messages that you may have exchanged with this person in the past just so that you can be reminded of this person and what the experience was like when you were talking to them.

You have never met this person.

You can’t begin to know what that experience would have been like if it would have transpired.

All that you have to go on is your rip-roaring imagination.

Your imagination will naturally fill in the gaps that only make you feel better.

That is what your imagination does.

It rewards that good feeling by giving you more of it.

It is deceiving.

You can stop idolizing this person when you come to terms with the realization that this has all been in your head.

Think about really pleasant dreams that you have had in the past.

How do you normally feel when you wake up from them, especially if you woke up while in the midst of said dream?

You are despondent.

You want to go back into the dream.

It was just so good.

That dream was your subconscious working hard to keep you happy as you slept by giving you imaginary images that would make you feel euphoric.

Once you woke up in the midst of that dream and realized that it was just a dream that you never even got to finish, you are disappointed.

Your imagination isn’t reality.

People aren’t dreams.

They are living, breathing, organic masses that are prone to make you just as happy as they can metaphorically rip your heart out with despair.

No one is anywhere near as perfect as the dream that an enamored admirer creates of said person.

Embracing this harsh reality will keep you from idolizing a person that you have never met.