Online Dating Websites While In A Relationship: Should I Be Mad At My Boyfriend?

Online Dating Websites While In A Relationship: Should I Be Mad At My Boyfriend?

Avoid making an assumption too fast and getting mad.

If you have noticed that your boyfriend has online dating profiles on online dating websites, there may be some valid reasons why.

For example, he may have already had these online dating profiles on these dating websites before he ever met you and got into a relationship with you.

However, he may have forgotten about them and hasn’t ever gone back to delete his online dating accounts.

If you notice that there has been absolutely no recent activity on his online dating profiles, there is a good chance that he totally forgot about deleting these online dating profiles.

If you got mad at him too early without at least ensuring that he was not active on these online dating websites, you may cause unnecessary strain on your relationship.

Another possibly valid reason why you may have noticed that your boyfriend has online dating profiles on online dating websites could be because he may have joined these online dating websites after having had a break up with you.

If you have the kind of relationship where you are both constantly breaking up and making up, he may have created these online dating accounts during one of those break ups so as to find a way to deal with the break up.

This is often how people go about dealing with a rough break up.

They become so emotionally distraught that they feel the need to start opening online dating accounts just so that they can feel better about themselves.

They are seeking some kind of acknowledge from someone that they aren’t that bad of a person to date.

They go to online dating websites to find this validation instead of taking the time to actually deal with these emotions and resolve them privately.

Again, he may have joined several online dating websites during one of these break ups.

However, soon after, the both of you may have gotten back together and he abandoned the online dating websites as a result.

In a scenario like this, he may not have necessarily forgotten about deleting his online dating accounts after getting back together with you.

He may have purposely left those online dating accounts up simply because he just doesn’t know when next the both of you will break up.

In essence, he may feel that his relationship with you is so volatile that he has no choice but to keep his online dating profiles in place.

He may not be active on them at all.

However, being that he is never entirely sure whether he will still be in a relationship with you in the near future, he keeps his online dating accounts alive.

This kind of behavior isn’t necessarily right.

But, in his mind, he is merely protecting himself.

Now, if you have noticed that your boyfriend has active online dating accounts on these dating websites, this is not acceptable.

It doesn’t mean that you should get mad at him and become really accusatory.

It is best to let him tell you in his own words why he has active online dating accounts as opposed to allowing yourself to get so mad at him that all you are doing is yelling and not letting him talk.

As described earlier, there may be valid reasons why he has online dating accounts on these dating websites.

The most innocuous of these reasons would be that he was already on these dating websites before he met you and he merely forgot to delete his online dating accounts after having met you.

This is further evidenced if you notice that he has had absolutely no recent activity on any of these online dating accounts.

This would be an easy discussion to have.

You merely remind him of those old online dating accounts and he will most likely apologize profusely for his oversight and proceed to quickly delete them.

However, if he has been actively using online dating websites while being in a relationship with you, this is something that you have to quickly ascertain.

Have a conversation with him and let him speak freely.

Then, you should make a rational decision on what you must do.

If he has had a pattern of being active on online dating websites while being in a relationship with his past girlfriends, there is a good chance that he will never stop doing it, even with you.