You should include your salary on your online dating profile.
It is always best to be honest about what you make.
Some people hesitate in doing this because they worry about a number of repercussions.
For people who have a large salary, they may worry that it would appear as though they are bragging by including their salary on their online dating profile.
They may even worry that they would attract the wrong kind of attention.
For the people who make a smaller salary, they may worry that it would make them appear less attractive.
Regardless of the reservations and repercussions, including your salary on your online dating profile is still ultimately the best approach.
Being honest with one’s salary is actually one of the biggest areas of dishonesty when people are filling out their online dating profiles.
It may be a touchy subject but there is a reason why online dating sites give you this option.
By including your salary on your online dating profile, you are allowing people the opportunity to understand that you aren’t trying to hide something this important.
Though you may believe that online dating should be all about love, you really need to have a much more realistic approach to it.
Do understand that though you may be on an online dating site to find love, love does come at a price.
You should never ever allow yourself to be so blinded by your quest for love that you forget the reality of what a real relationship entails.
Most people want to know and should know what they are getting themselves into when they are interacting with a particular person of romantic interest on an online dating site.
It is not that they wouldn’t entertain dating someone who has a smaller salary, it is just that they want to know and should know what they are getting themselves into.
This is the smart approach.
If you are looking for a long-term serious relationship, wouldn’t you want to have an idea about your potential partner’s financial solvency?
Though you may rather go into online dating completely blinded by your desire for love, you should absolutely not allow this to take over your common sense.
In finding a long-term serious partner of whom you know nothing about their financial solvency, you could end up taking on this person’s debt and having this person truly become a financial burden to you.
This could put a lot stress on you that love simply will not be able to overcome.
Including your salary on your online dating profile gives people a chance to know what they are dealing with.
If you don’t take this seriously, it may end up ruining your life.
You may choose to start dating someone from an online dating site who never cared about including their salary on their online dating profile.
You may fall in love with this person only to discover later on that this person is in heavy debt and they have wild spending habits.
Due to the fact that you are now in love with this person, you may take on some of their debt and endure their wild spending habits until you find yourself approaching insolvency or even bankruptcy yourself.
This is never a position that you should put yourself in.
It could totally ruin your life.
This is why it is always a good idea to include your salary in your online dating profile.
If you were to find an online dating profile of a person who doesn’t include their salary and you choose to interact with this person, you should still make it a point to determine what this person’s financial solvency is like early on in your interaction with them.
If you do not do this and you continue interacting with this person to the point where you have become emotionally attached, it will be very difficult for you to let go of this person.
At this stage, if you are to discover that this person is financially irresponsible, you may overlook that simply because your emotions have gotten the best of your common sense.
This is where you could lead yourself into financial ruin.
By including your salary in your online dating profile, you are leading by example.
This way, you can set this very important piece of what it takes to build a successful relationship in place and thereby set the expectations of your potential dates to do the exact same.