Single Mom Online Dating?

Single Mom Online Dating?

As a single mom who is online dating, you may face a few challenges.

There may be guys who don’t initiate messages or reply to your messages because they don’t want to date a single mom.

This may really make you question why that is.

After all, you aren’t looking to have them become a surrogate father to your kids.

The father of your kids may already be heavily involved in your kid’s lives.

You aren’t looking to these men to pay for the upkeep of your kids.

You have a perfectly good job and can handle taking care of your kids financially.

You aren’t looking for these men to instantly marry you because you want to complete the family structure.

You are just looking to meet men that you are interested in and see where things go.

Hence, you wonder why as a single mom who is online dating, you may be having issues with getting men to initiate messages to you or reply to your messages.

Again, you really haven’t done anything wrong in being a single mom.

There are many single moms out there.

You are certainly not unique in this aspect.

The men who may not be initiating messages or replying to your messages on an online dating site may simply think that it would be too much work to date a single mom.

They think that there is just too much baggage.

Not only do you have kids that they will have to interact with if they were to hit it off with you, you are also not married.

These men make an instant judgment about what life with you would be like simply because they notice that you are a single mom.

They instantly play out how much of a challenge it would be to date you.

Their minds create all kinds of negative scenarios.

They may see themselves having to deal with a belligerent ex who is constantly fighting with you for custody of the kids.

They may see themselves having to deal with misbehaving kids that have no respect for adults.

They may see themselves having a difficult time with going out on dates with you because you may have to often cancel due to an inability to find a babysitter or something else to do with your kids.

Hence, these men have instantly created imaginary stories in their heads about situations that simply don’t exist.

These thoughts alone will often make them feel hesitant to initiate a message or reply to your message.

The imaginary stories that they have created in their minds are just that, imaginary.

However, they just feel that this is what they will have to deal with.

Perhaps they have watched too many daytime talk shows with single moms wailing about their exes.

Perhaps they have watched too many movies that show single moms struggling to make ends meet with an army of kids in tow.

There could be all sorts of influences that may have led them to determine what a life with a single mom would be like.

However, you shouldn’t feel discouraged as a single mom who is online dating and having a hard time getting men to initiate a message or reply to your messages.

The key to finding a mate on an online dating site is to make a really good online dating profile that showcases your personality and interests.

Oftentimes, single moms who do online dating make the mistake of talking about their kids on their bios and posting pictures of themselves and their kids.

This approach to online dating will often scare men off, even men who do not mind that you are a single mom.

Men who visit your online dating profile want to get to know you.

They want to get a sense of what it would be like to date you.

They are not there to see your kids or learn that all you care about in life are your kids.

This will make them feel like you actually don’t have a separate life of your own and that if they were to date you, they would be a spare tire to you and nothing more.

Do not talk about your kids on your bio and do not post pictures of yourself with your kids.

As a single mom, remember what it is that makes you such a dynamic personality.

Let that be the focus of your bio and pictures.

This is what will enable you to start getting a lot more men initiating messages to you and also replying to your messages.