Even though this person that you met on an online dating site makes way more money than you, this may not be an issue to them.
If they haven’t told you that it is, you should be careful about the assumptions that you could make in this particular situation.
Being that you don’t make as much money as this person, you may make the assumption that this person wouldn’t be a good match for you, especially in the long run.
Now, if you actually like this person, it may be wise to let things play out before making a decision that it would be best not to continue talking to this person or going out on dates with them.
One of the most important tips that you need to remember when you are dating someone that you met on an online dating site that makes way more money than you is that, if the amount of money that you make is really something that is very important to them, they would have clarified that with you much earlier on.
In other words, they would have wanted to get a good sense of how much you make much earlier in your interaction with them.
If you have already had several conversations with this person and they haven’t made any kind of effort to find out how much you make, then they probably don’t really care about this aspect.
Again, for most people who make a lot of money who also want to date other people that make a lot of money, they will want to make sure that they are talking to someone who also makes a lot of money a lot sooner in the process of trying to get to know them.
It is highly unlikely that they will continue talking to this person for an extended period of time on the online dating site or even agree to meet this person on a date unless they have established how much the person makes or gotten a good idea of the range.
If this person that you met on an online dating site who makes way more money than you do hasn’t tried to verify how much money you make and has continued talking to you and even gone out on a date or more with you, the amount of money that you make is clearly not a problem to this person.
So, this goes back to the earlier point.
The fact that you are dating someone that you met on an online dating site who makes way more money than you do may only be an issue because of your own insecurities about the discrepancy in income.
Hence, you may be risking making this an issue when this other person just doesn’t care about the fact that they make way more money than you do.
A lot of where this is coming from may be from a sense of inadequacy that you feel in terms of how you compare to this person.
You may believe that this person is completely out of your league.
Do understand that people look for certain qualities in other people that attract them.
There may be qualities that you have that this person that makes way more money than you do really loves about you.
There may be a way that you are or some characteristics that you have that this person really responds to.
This may be what this person tends to look for in a romantic partner.
They may place a lot more value in these qualities than they do to how much the person makes.
You need to understand that not everyone places so much value on another person based on how much money that person makes.
Some people who make a lot of money actually look for other qualities in a person and are drawn to those particular qualities. You may have those qualities.
That may be why this person that you met on an online dating site who makes way more money than you do is dating you in the first place.
If you are able to mentally separate the person you are from the amount of money that you make, you may see that there is a lot more to you than just money.
If you are able to do this, you may be able to allow this interaction to lead wherever it does in a natural way.
Creating this distinction will help in preventing you from impeding this interaction due to your insecurities about the disparity in how much money you both make.
If you can’t create this distinction, you may end up jeopardizing this interaction prematurely and possibly lose out on your best match as a result.