Why Did The Guy I Met Through An Online Dating Service Slow Down His Texts And Become More Formal?

Why Did The Guy I Met Through An Online Dating Service Slow Down His Texts And Become More Formal?

This guy may feel as though he doesn’t have as much in common with you as he may have originally thought that he did.

If the texts from this guy that you met through an online dating service have slowed down and become more formal, he may feel as though he is not connecting with you on a level that he once was.

This may have changed his outlook.

Being that the both of you have been texting on the online dating service for some time, he may have reached a point where he realized that you have more in contrast with him than in common with him.

This may be the opposite of how he felt when he initially started texting you.

At the beginning, he may have felt as though the both of you had quite a lot in common.

However, as he has gotten to know you more and more through the online dating service, he may feel as though he is not connecting with you in a good number of areas.

You may feel as though you have enough in common with him.

Hence, you may be baffled as to why there has been a slow down in his texts.

He is the one who is feeling like this because he may be the kind of guy who needs to have more commonalities with a girl for him to feel comfortable in pursuing a romantic relationship with her.

You may not care that much about having so many things in common.

You may be happy with what you already have in common with him as of now.

In fact, you may even appreciate the fact that the both of you have some differences.

This fact may actually make you feel that much more drawn to him.

However, this may not be how he likes things to be.

He may want to have as many commonalities as possible.

Hence, he has now become more formal with you because he is beginning to shut his personality off whenever he interacts with you.

He is not allowing himself to be free and open.

He may be doing this because he believes that being true to his personality may be too much energy to expend on someone that he already knows isn’t as compatible with him as he once thought.

The guy that you met through an online dating service has slowed down his texts and become more formal because he may feel as though you haven’t been as open or honest with him in conversation as he has been with you.

Perhaps there are certain questions that he has asked you in past conversations that you haven’t been open about or you were too vague in your responses.

In essence, there may be a part of him that is worried that he is the one who is doing all of the opening up and you are being a little bit more guarded in your approach to the conversations.

Indeed, there may be certain topics that the both of you have talked about in previous conversations where you were open about.

However, there may be other topics where he has been open with you and you have been more tight-lipped.

As a result, he may be getting worried that you are not being as honest with him as he has been with you.

The texts may have slowed down and become more formal because he is worried that the more open he is with you, the more emotionally vulnerable that makes him.

He may now be slowing down his texts to you so as to avoid getting himself to a place where you can take advantage of his vulnerabilities through something you may say or do.

If things have gotten to the point where you have noticed this difference in his behavior, you could ask him about why he has slowed down with his texts.

Be conversational about it, not confrontational.

If the both of you have spent a good amount of time on the online dating service building rapport through conversation, there is a chance that this may be able to get worked out.

However, it would be best to address it now instead of remaining silent about it in the hopes that things will change.

If you wait that long, you may get to the point where he stops texting you altogether.

If that happens, you may have lost him for good.