Why Don’t I Ever Message Anyone In Online Dating?

Why Don't I Ever Message Anyone In Online Dating?

You may not be quite sure of what you are looking for.

Perhaps you joined an online dating site without a clear idea of what kind of relationship you want.

You may still be in that position.

Hence, you don’t ever message anyone on an online dating site because you simply aren’t sure of what kind of person to send a message to.

You should think back to when you were considering joining an online dating site.

Ask yourself about what you wanted.

What were your motives in signing up on an online dating site in the first place?

If you notice that your motives weren’t very clear, there is a good chance that you joined an online dating site with no clear idea of what it is you actually want.

Perhaps, in the back of your mind, you believe that you actually want a relationship.

Though you may believe this, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are at the stage emotionally where you can actually handle a relationship.

Sometimes, people jump into online dating with the false belief that they are ready to pursue a relationship.

However, even though they may be single and a part of them may want to be in a relationship, that doesn’t always mean that they are emotionally ready for a relationship.

This could also be the reason why you don’t ever message anyone in online dating.

You may have joined an online dating site believing that it was the right thing to do, after all, you are single.

However, you may not have truly assessed where you were emotionally.

Simply being single doesn’t always mean that you are emotionally prepared or ready to get into a relationship.

Hence, you should ask yourself about the true state of emotions that you were in when you first joined an online dating site.

Perhaps, you didn’t allow yourself to see that you actually weren’t emotionally ready to allow a romantic partner into your life at this time.

Perhaps, you didn’t try to understand that side of your thoughts.

You may have even blocked it out.

You may have just decided to sign up on an online dating site because it just seemed like what you should do.

However, if you are not emotionally available or prepared at this time, it would be difficult for you to ever message anyone on an online dating site.

You may be tempted initially but you stop yourself because something doesn’t feel quite right.

Another reason why you don’t ever message anyone in online dating could also be because you aren’t finding anyone that you feel a true connection with.

You may have already browsed through several online dating profiles and yet you haven’t found anyone that you truly felt enough of a spark with that you wanted to send them a message.

This could be because you are looking for something different.

You may want to find an online dating profile that simply takes you by surprise and grabs your attention.

Perhaps, every online dating profile that you keep running into is simply the same in nature and gives you nothing to get excited about.

If this is the case, it may be best to do a specific search of a keyword.

Perhaps there is a particular type of activity that you really love and tends to get you excited.

You may feel a stronger sense of connection if you were to find someone who has the same passion.

You could do a keyword search for that particular activity and see if the matchmaking search algorithm of the online dating site sends you relevant results. If it does, you can take a look at the online dating profiles of these matches and see if they give you a spark.

If you have done this and you are either not finding these matches or they are not sparking your interest when you do, you may simply not be on the right kind of online dating site for you.

You may be better off finding another online dating site that better suits your personality.