Category Archives: Online Dating Misconceptions

Is It Weird To Use Dating Sites To Find Someone To Date?

Is It Weird To Use Dating Sites To Find Someone To Date?

According to the Pew Research Center, three in ten US adults have used dating sites.

With this many millions of people using dating sites to find someone to date, it makes any perceived weirdness in using dating sites somewhat ill-conceived.

Sure, in the beginning, it was off-putting.

In fact, the early years of online dating were fraught with stigmas.

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You Feel Embarrassed About Using Dating Sites

You Feel Embarrassed About Using Dating Sites

According to a survey by the Pew Research center, three in ten adults have utilized the services of a dating site or app.

Should you choose to use dating sites, you are in the company of far too many people for you to ever feel embarrassed about using them.

It’s true that there was a time when people felt embarrassed about using dating sites.

There was a fear of being judged by society at large as a person who was deficient of friends or a social life.

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Are Dating Sites A Waste Of Time For Men?

Are Dating Sites A Waste Of Time For Men?

Although you are aggrieved about how hard it has been to get matches and dates on matchmaking dating sites, it isn’t a waste of time to use them.

Yes, as a man, you won’t receive anywhere near as many matches as women do on dating sites.

That is a reality that is nonnegotiable.

As a gender, women are perennially pursued, and that isn’t any different on dating sites.

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Are Dating Sites Only For Losers?

Are Dating Sites Only For Losers?

There was a time when dating sites were regarded as a destination for losers only.

These were people considered too unsuitable to find a date in real life who were relegated to finding one on a dating site.

Although there are certainly people on dating sites who are there due to a lack of success in finding dates in real life, the majority of people on dating sites actually have a dating history.

They have had lovers in the past from the real world.

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