On any given day, like clockwork, a large contingent of patrons constantly stop whatever they are doing to get on their smartphones, on a mission to check their dating app activity.
Just like social media, there is that steady perception that you are missing out if you aren’t constantly checking in every so often throughout your day.
Someone who uses a dating app while on a date is showing a strong lack of respect for the person they are meeting, is incredibly self-centered or has become so accustomed to using the dating app on a daily basis that they are unable to shake the addiction.
No matter how much you were enjoying the date before she started using the dating app, her behavior is still inexcusable.
One of the biggest mistakes that short guys make on online dating sites is when they are dishonest about their height.
They may add a few extra inches to it just to make themselves feel better about being a short guy and in the hopes that they can attract more female attention.