We all want to have someone in our lives, and this craving is partly the reason why dating apps exist.
No one wants to be alone.
When you are at a rough patch in your life without a partner by your side, you are impacted by that.
It is natural to want human connection in these moments.
Sure enough, it was while you were in a moment like this that you downloaded a dating app.
In these moments, you aren’t acknowledging that you are too emotionally unavailable to date anyone, on account of a bad breakup that you are grappling with.
Instead, you are consumed with sadness and loneliness.
You want relief from all that and suddenly download a dating app before you have thought it through.
It is only after you have done this that the reality of what you have done hits you.
You aren’t ready for this.
This realization leads to you deleting the dating app the very next day or shortly after.
You are back to your senses, realizing that you aren’t at a place in your life to date.
This isn’t unusual.
As human beings, we have moments of weakness where we crave companionship.
People who download a dating app only to delete it the very next day or shortly after were attempting to fulfill an impulse.
An impulse for someone else’s attention.
You wanted to fulfill an impulse.
An impulse to distract you from boredom, loneliness, sadness, disappointment, anxiety, etc.
Although you acted out of impulse by installing a dating app, there is some good news to be deemed from this behavior.
It means that you aren’t completely emotionally bankrupt.
The impact of a bitter breakup hasn’t completely robbed you of your humanity.
On many an occasion, people who go through tough breakups become emotionally bankrupt, reluctant to ever trust anyone again in regards to romantic relationships.
In downloading a dating app, you were thinking about connecting with someone.
If you went as far as matching with people and chatting with them, you demonstrated that you were open to the possibility of welcoming a new romantic prospect in your life.
In deleting the dating app, you were showing an unwillingness to do what so many do when they decide to prematurely date someone new, so as to circumvent the emotional repercussions of a bad breakup.
You had the mental fortitude to acknowledge that you had given in to a moment of emotional weakness, and you corrected that behavior by deleting the dating app.
You understood that you had to work on yourself first, clearing your mind of whatever is cluttering it.
This means that you are using a healthy approach to counter the debilitating effect of a bad breakup.
The people who rush into dating without doing this work first, end up making the same mistakes, leading to yet another failed relationship.
With you, that won’t be a problem.
You are already aware that time is required for you to deal with the emotional repercussions of an unpleasant breakup.
Rather than prematurely getting back into dating, you are working on yourself.
Yes, you had a moment of weakness when you downloaded a dating app, but you were self-aware enough to delete it the very next day or shortly afterward.
This means that you know what matters most at this time.
Healing yourself from the emotional drawbacks of a harsh breakup.
As long as you put in the right amount of work, it won’t be too long before you are ready to date again.
This would be the right time to download a dating app.
There won’t be an overwhelming urge to delete it the very next day or shortly after.
Given that you have done the work to get over the bad breakup, you are emotionally available for dating.