I Get Passed By On Dating Sites But Not In Real Life

I Get Passed By On Dating Sites But Not In Real Life

Women on dating sites are far pickier than they are in real life.

Dating sites are akin to a brochure where they flip through glossy pages, only lingering on pages that grab their undivided attention, the equivalent of which would be the dating profiles they are blown away by.

This leads to a far more critical eye in who they deem attractive, as they choose to either swipe left or right on a guy’s profile based on how captivating his photos look.

Dating sites provide the illusion of endless choice.

Why settle for a guy who is 6 feet 3 inches tall when there are other guys showing an interest in her that are 6 feet 5 inches tall?

You see, there is practically an unending well of attention that women receive from men on dating sites.

This foments a mindset that there is perennially someone with a better profile about to be presented to her as a potential match once she swipes left.

When you get passed by on dating sites, she is indicating that your profile didn’t get the job done in enticing her enough to swipe right.

Be aware, your profile is competing with those that are far superior to you in looks and lifestyle.

Men that are much better looking than you and with far more eye-catching photos are being presented to her too.

She is judging your profile based on your competition.

These upper-echelon men have exquisite profiles.

Not only are they better looking than you, their photos show them living a lifestyle of grandeur.

There are captivating photos of them in exotic locations, several of which pique her interest.

And yes, these men aren’t shy about showing off their lean and mean bodies in a number of these photos, as they prance about in muscle shirts and skintight shorts.

When you get passed by on dating sites, your profile isn’t anywhere near as good as those of these men.

This is never something you have ever had to worry about in real life.

In real life, you aren’t standing side by side with men that are considerably taller than you, better looking than you, and living much more exciting lives than you.

On the contrary, you are walking amongst average looking men.

Most men are average looking.

You are taller than most of these men and better looking too.

To that end, you receive attention from women in real life.

You aren’t passed by at all.

They look at you because you stick out.

You are more attractive than the average man in height and facial appearance.

There are several times you have caught the eye of women that are impressed by your physical appearance and are clearly interested in you approaching them.

Bewilderingly, these same women who give you the look of interest in real life, are the same ones who effortlessly swipe left on your profile on dating sites.

It’s different on dating sites.

You are competing with the best looking men.

Like a brochure, she gets to choose who she wants to match with, and only cares about choosing the best of the best.

After all, an abundance of men are vying for her attention on dating sites.

With so many dating options, she is extra motivated to be picky.

She isn’t anywhere near this picky in real life.

There aren’t an army of men falling over themselves to get her attention as she walks down the street.

A few look at her in interest, but most men are too busy going about their business to stop and engage with her.

Yet, on dating sites she is constantly inundated with messages from the same men who walk by her on the street without approaching her.

These men are far more confident to approach her online, as this is less intimidating than approaching her on the street.

See, she has oodles of options on dating sites.

As a result, she is only intent on picking the top-of-the-line men in physical looks and lifestyle.

When you aren’t in that percentile, as very few men are, you end up getting passed by on dating sites, even though you get attention from the same type of woman in real life.