When You Are In A Committed Relationship, But Addicted To Dating Sites

When You Are In A Committed Relationship, But Addicted To Dating Sites

Letting go of all the attention you are used to getting on dating sites isn’t easy.

The dopamine rush that the attention gives you is addicting.

Never in our lifetime have we had so much access to attention, thanks to dating sites.

Now that you are in a committed relationship, there is no requirement to stay on dating sites, and yet you have been unable to let them go.

So much of this has to do with the fear of losing out on the attention that has led to your addiction.

In addition, there is a part of you that is holding on to the possibility of matching with someone better.

You don’t want to let yourself believe this notion to be true.

This is why you are disguising your desire to stay on dating sites as merely a way for you to make new friends.

The truth is, you don’t really care about making new friends on dating sites.

Rather, there is a part of you that thinks that a better match than your current boyfriend is a possibility at some future date.

Be frank with yourself.

Is the guy that you are in committed relationship with everything you want in a boyfriend?

Undoubtedly, he is deficient in a number of qualities that you crave in a partner.

The thing with dating sites is that they have given people the impression that there is perennially someone better.

With so many dating options at our fingertips, it is almost impossible to be satisfied with any one match.

There is a constant belief that there has to be someone better.

This sentiment persists for lots of people, even when they have met a good match and get into a committed relationship with said match.

Not only are you addicted to the attention you receive from men on dating sites, there remains a part of your psyche that is secretly aspiring to connect with a better match in the foreseeable future.

You don’t want to believe that you are holding on to this aspiration, but you are.

Furthermore, there is a fear in you that anything could go wrong with this new boyfriend.

This is a fear that came to be by virtue of a past boyfriend that betrayed you, leaving you with a broken heart.

In maintaining a profile on dating sites, you are making sure that you perpetually have access to men in your life.

Although you are convincing yourself that these men are merely friends you are acquainted with online and nothing more, they are actually a backup plan.

You don’t want to go through the emotional fallout of what you did in the past, in an ex-boyfriend that betrayed your trust and broke up with you.

By keeping a profile active on dating sites, you maintain a number of men that you are friendly with.

This gives you comfort in knowing that should your present boyfriend betray you and leave you, there are several men on dating sites that you are already friendly with who are there to fill in the emotional void left behind.