Men are conscious of a height preference that women have in dating.
Women on dating sites are adamant about wanting to match with men who are at least 6 feet tall and above.
They make this a requirement in the match preferences they choose on their dating profile.
For men who aren’t tall, it makes it that much harder to get matches when a woman has specified a height that they don’t match.
These are men who didn’t necessarily join a dating site with the intention of telling lies about their height.
Some of these men were truthful in what they inputted as their height initially.
But, as the weeks went by and they struggled to receive matches, they had a change of heart about being truthful.
He quickly realizes that the dating profiles of so many women on the dating service ask to match with a man that is tall.
That is when he concludes that for him to have a shot at getting matches, he has to lie about his height.
He doesn’t take much joy in doing this, given that he had never intended to lie about his height when he initially signed up on the dating site.
Nevertheless, he believes that his hand has been forced.
He chooses to change the height that he has listed on his profile to one that is taller, believing that he has no choice in doing this.
To make himself feel better about this lie, he surmises that it isn’t that big of a deal.
He thinks that he possesses so many other qualities that a prospective match likes.
A height discrepancy is nothing but a small flaw that is summarily overcome by all of the other phenomenal qualities he believes he possesses.
Sadly, this isn’t what women on dating sites who have specifically stated a height preference for a taller guy are in the market for.
You want the guy you match with to meet the specific height requirements that you have laid out in your match preferences.
Men who struggle to match with women on internet dating sites don’t agree.
It’s a desperate move on his part to lie about his height, but he believes that another lonely Friday night without a date or someone to talk to is no longer endurable.
He acts with his heart, instead of his head, by lying about his height on a dating site.
He wants to believe that once a woman he matches with gets to know him, and is privy to his other phenomenal qualities, she ignores the fact that he isn’t as tall as he specified in his profile.
You aren’t taking it well when you realize that the guy you have invested a few days to weeks talking to and getting to know on a dating site is considerably shorter than what his profile detailed.
This is revealed when you meet him face to face and he is shorter than the height you expected.
The days or weeks that you spent chatting with him on a dating site prove to be a complete waste of time now that you have met him in person and he is short.
Knowing whether the guy you match with on a dating site is the height he professes to be, before spending precious time chatting with him, requires a little detective work.
Study the photos that are posted on his profile.
Look at his height in comparison to the height of other men in the photos on the matchmaking site.
An average man is 5 feet 9 inches in height.
Should you observe that he is consistently shorter than the men he is standing next to in his photos, he is likely shorter than the average height of a man.
This gives you a phenomenal clue as to how tall or short he is.
With this knowledge, you don’t have to spend days or weeks of your precious time entertaining a conversation with him on a dating site.
You move on to your next match.