Even though you have already established a good amount of rapport with him, he only communicates with you via a dating site.
This has given you cause for worry, and you are pondering about whether this is a bad sign.
It isn’t a bad sign if you are yet to meet him on a date.
There are guys who keep communication relegated to a dating site until they meet their match in person.
Some of these men believe it the gentlemanly thing to do.
He doesn’t want to make the woman feel uneasy if he were to ask for her phone number or social media while he is technically a stranger to her, having met her on a dating site.
In his mind, it makes more sense to ask you for your phone number or social media once he has met you in person.
In meeting him in person, you confirm that he is who he says he is, which gives you a sense of security that warrants an exchange of contact information.
Only then does he think it appropriate to take the relationship to a more personal level by exchanging contact information.
Ergo, rather than worrying about the fact that he is only communicating with you via an online dating site, pay more attention to how long it is taking him to ask you out to a real life meeting.
This is what is most important.
A guy that is interested in a woman won’t wait endlessly to ask her out on a date.
After matching with her, he asks her out on a date in sufficient time, once a degree of rapport has been established.
How long have you been communicating with this guy via a dating site?
As long as communication with him has been consistent, he should be asking you out on a date within a week to two weeks of matching with you.
If this is yet to happen, this is more so the area of concern than him relegating communication to a dating site only.
In a different scenario where you have already been out on a few dates with this guy, and he is continues to only communicate with you via a dating site, there is more cause for concern.
He should have exchanged personal contact information with you by now.
A guy that has already been on a few dates with you and continues to only communicate with you via a dating website isn’t prioritizing you.
He is attracted to you, and likes your company, but you aren’t his first choice.
There are matches he has prioritized over you.
These are the women that he has exchanged personal contact information with and is communicating with through those platforms.
Being that he is attracted to you, and gets along with you, he is keeping you on his back burner.
This is why he keeps communicating with you on a dating site and goes out on dates with you.
Should it not work out with the women he has prioritized over you, you are someone on his back burner that he can elevate to talking to via a phone number or social media.
That said, there are no guarantees this happens.