He Doesn’t Care About Talking To Others On Dating Apps, So Why Can’t He Just Delete The Apps?

He Doesn't Care About Talking To Others On Dating Apps, So Why Can't He Just Delete The Apps?

He isn’t convinced that you are the right one for him.

Your conversations with him have been great and he has told you about how much he wants to date you.

Yet, he is on the dating apps.

Even though he tells you that he doesn’t care about talking to others on dating apps, he is keeping that option open by not deleting his accounts.

At this moment he doesn’t have an overwhelming desire to initiate contact with girls on dating apps.

The problem is, in keeping his accounts active, he leaves the door open to a girl swiping right on his dating profile that he finds exponentially more attractive than you.

He has told you that he doesn’t care about talking to others on dating apps, but there remains a latent part of him that is hopeful a match with someone better happens in the nearby future.

The idea that there is a girl out there that is better than you is far too enticing.

He doesn’t want to make this latent desire the centerpiece of his thoughts on a day to day basis.

By harboring this latent desire in his psyche, there have been moments of guilt, and he wants to avoid these moments as much as is feasible.

He forces himself to believe that you are all he wants, so as to rid himself of these moments of guilt.

Be careful.

Don’t let your desire to date him cloud or obfuscate your common sense.

There is no reason for him to keep his accounts on dating apps active when he has supposedly found the girl he wants to be with.

He has consciously chosen to keep them active and has made no effort to delete them, which means that his mind is made up.

Staying on the dating apps is what he wants to do.

His intent is to keep you in his life as his insurance policy.

He already knows that you care about him.

By keeping you around, he has the advantage of your time and affection.

That said, in the back of his mind, he wonders whether there is someone better out there.

As long as he has active accounts on dating apps, he maintains a secret aspiration that his perfect match is somewhere on the horizon.

Were he to delete all his accounts, he loses out on that aspiration, and that is too much for him to bear.

Sadly, you aren’t enough for this guy.

You are good enough for the moment, given that he already knows that you care about him.

As far as he is concerned, it is a win-win.

He keeps you in his life and avails of your time and affection.

Meanwhile, in the back of his mind, he secretly wishes for a new match that is prettier than you.

Should he never be matched with her, he isn’t at a complete loss.

He continues to have you in his life.

Nevertheless, a future match with a prettier girl on the dating apps compels him to talk to her, filled with a stirring excitement about where it leads.

However which way this turns out, it is a win-win for him.