Online Dating Sites: How Long Does It Take To Get Answers To Your Messages?

Online Dating Sites: How Long Does It Take To Get Answers To Your Messages?

On online dating sites, some girls reply very swiftly and others take longer, while some others never reply at all.

If you are wondering about how long it takes to get answers to your messages, you may have been having a difficult time getting answers in the first place.

The kind of message that you send can help quicken response time.

The girls who tend to respond the quickest are the ones who like what you had to say in your message.

Hence, you should always write an effective message.

The most effective messages to send are the ones where you are referencing something that she passionately wrote about on her online dating profile essay.

It is best to ask an open-ended question with this message.

This helps to open up conversation.

She may have written about a trip that she recently made to Europe that she loved.

You can send her a message like, “What was the best part of your trip to Europe?”

This is a highly effective message that will most likely get an answer because it is referencing something that she wrote about passionately on her online dating profile essay.

Seeing a message like this will instantly put a smile on her face and she will start thinking back to her experiences on that trip to Europe.

She would be having good memories about it.

Putting a smile on someone’s face and happy thoughts in their mind will often make that person really feel good about answering your message.

Sending messages like this on online dating sites will give you a much higher likelihood of getting answers to them.

It may also be taking long to get answers to your messages, if any, because you are sending messages to online dating profiles that aren’t active.

You should always watch for this before you send anyone a message on online dating sites.

Always check to see how recently the person logged into their online dating profile.

Online dating sites have a habit of keeping online dating profiles that are inactive in search.

In essence, they do not delete or deactivate these inactive online dating profiles for a long time, if ever.

Hence, you should always do your due diligence whenever you are about to send someone a message on online dating sites in checking to see if the person has been recently active on their online dating profile.

You will normally see this kind of information somewhere within the person’s online dating profile.

It is normally displayed at the top of the profile but sometimes it may not be. It just depends on that particular online dating site and where they choose to put it.

If you notice that the person hasn’t logged into their online dating profile in a week or more, it is best not to send a message to this person.

Sending messages to people who haven’t logged into their online dating profile in a week or more tremendously increases the chances of not getting answers to your messages.

These people may be long gone from the online dating site and never to return.

Hence, they will never read your message.

It may also be taking long to get answers to your messages, if any, because you are sending messages to people who aren’t paid members of the online dating sites that you are using.

Most online dating sites let people join for free.

Hence, a good number of the online dating profiles that you will come across will be of people who aren’t paying for the service.

If you send these people messages, they would be incapable of answering until they become paid members.

One of the best ways to know that someone isn’t a paid member of an online dating site is by checking to see if they have certain features on their online dating profile that only paid members would have.

For example, some online dating sites give the online dating profiles of paid members special attention by highlighting them or adding a special icon to them.

Look for these kind of signs on online dating sites.

These signs will often set these online dating profiles apart from the others that don’t belong to paid members.

This lets you know who is paying and who isn’t. Knowing this allows you choose who you want to send messages to.

You may start focusing more of your attention on sending messages to paid members of online dating sites.

This would increase your likelihood of getting answers to your messages because paid members would have the ability to respond.