Category Archives: Online Dating Long Distance

With Online Dating, Do Guys Usually Expect The Female To Travel All The Way To Their Destination?

With Online Dating, Do Guys Usually Expect The Female To Travel All The Way To Their Destination?

When online dating, most guys do not usually expect the female to travel all the way to their destination.

If you have come across guys who have usually indicated that they expect the female to travel all the way to their destination, these guys may not truly be invested in online dating.

In other words, they may simply be exploring or testing the waters when it comes to online dating.

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Why Would A Guy On His Online Dating Profile Indicate That He Would Date A Woman Located Anywhere?

Why Would A Guy On His Online Dating Profile Indicate That He Would Date A Woman Located Anywhere?

He may have not had much luck with dating women in his local area.

Indicating that he would date a woman located anywhere on his online dating profile opens him up to more dating prospects.

He may have had some interactions with women on the dating site who resided in his local area and those interactions simply didn’t go very well.

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How To Go About Online Dating And Long Distance?

How To Go About Online Dating And Long Distance?

Relationships are challenging enough, adding long distance to the mix only makes it more challenging.

If you have met someone online that is long distance, you should first ask yourself about whether this is something that you truly want to pursue.

You may be at a place right now where you don’t have any emotional attachments to this person quite yet.

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