Dating sites provide a distraction.
Nevertheless, they don’t help in moving on from a broken heart.
On the contrary, they are a detriment to moving on from a broken heart in the long run.
Once you let yourself become distracted by all the men that are matching with you on dating sites, you become consumed by it.
Women receive enormous amounts of attention from men on dating sites.
This attention boosts your self-esteem, which has taken a huge hit since your breakup from your ex-boyfriend.
This attention provides a distraction, but it isn’t a healthy distraction.
It is a distraction that primarily feeds into your ego.
It makes you feel good to know that this many men on dating sites are swiping right on your dating profile and want to match with you.
This convinces you that you are getting back at your ex-boyfriend for not seeing your value as his partner.
After all, look at all the men on dating sites that are messaging you and liking your photos.
In these moments, your mind tricks you into believing that you are moving on from a broken heart.
The distraction is intoxicating.
You can’t get enough of it.
All of a sudden, you are logging into dating sites from the moment you wake up to the moment you to to bed.
Whenever you do, you aren’t thinking about your broken heart as much.
The distraction of seeing that so many men like your photos within the space of a few hours, from when you go to sleep at night to when you wake up, is reassuring and addicting.
Before you know it, the dopamine rush that courses through your veins whenever you see how many men have liked your profile or photos takes over your psyche.
It feels like you are moving on from a broken heart, but it is all a smokescreen.
The pain of the breakup persists, but it is being covered up by all of the distraction.
Sooner or later, you go as far as talking to some guys over the phone or meeting with them on a date in real life.
This feels like you are moving on from a broken heart, but again, you actually aren’t.
The guys you are talking to and meeting on dates are merely giving you something else to focus on.
Nonetheless, you aren’t emotionally available to them.
Try as hard as you may, you are incapable of sincerely taking any of them seriously.
You know that several of them like you, and are ready to get serious with you, but you are incapable of feeling what they feel.
They are emotionally available.
You are not.
All of this leads to a complete waste of time and energy for everyone involved because your mind has a mental block that won’t let up.
Your heart is still taken by one man.
Your ex-boyfriend.
All dating sites do is keep you from doing what you are supposed to do to move on from a broken heart.
They are a distraction that inevitably lead to the realization that you are, and continue to remain, emotionally unavailable.
Moving on from a broken heart is a slow process.
It can’t be rushed by getting on dating sites.
It has to be lived through.
Starting with working on rebuilding a life for yourself that is filled with activities that you love, you begin the process of mending a broken heart.
Soon, you are so consumed with those life-enriching activities that you aren’t dwelling on thoughts of your ex-boyfriend anymore.
This is the healthy way to move on from a broken heart.
Doing so gradually and organically.