Girls want guys to approach them respectfully on online dating sites.
Guys often make the mistake of sending really crude and superficial messages to girls on online dating sites.
It is common for girls to read messages like, “You’re hot,” “Be my girlfriend,” or “Send me nude pics,” on online dating sites.
These kind of messages rarely get responded to by girls.
Your approach to girls on online dating sites should be respectful.
Understand that girls are human beings and not pieces of meat.
They have thoughts and emotions as well.
When you approach girls on online dating sites respectfully, you seriously help your chances in getting them to respond to your messages.
A respectful approach would be to firstly address her by name.
Whatever name that you see on her online dating profile is her name of choice.
Use that name first when you send her a message.
Another way that you can be respectful in your approach to girls on online dating sites is to send them messages that relate to their online dating profiles.
Doing this lets them know that you actually took the time to read their online dating profiles.
Many girls receive messages from guys who never bother to read their online dating profiles.
These guys would much rather send crude and superficial messages that have nothing to do with the online dating profiles of the girls in question.
This kind of approach to messaging girls on online dating sites is very flawed and doesn’t bear results.
Girls want guys to have actually read their online dating profiles before sending them messages.
When you send a message that relates to something that a girl wrote in her online dating profile, she will instantly feel respected.
The fact that you actually took the time to read her online dating profile lets her know that you cared about what she had to say and you would like to know more.
This is one of the most effective approaches you can use when it comes to girls on online dating sites.
Girls also want guys to approach them on online dating sites in a way that let’s them know that they aren’t merely there to hook up with them.
When guys start communicating with girls and make constant sexual references at the very beginning, this can totally turn girls off.
This kind of approach to girls on online dating sites makes the guy come off as though he is only looking for his own pleasure and is desperate.
Girls will not want to continue communicating with a guy who gives them this impression.
Though some of them may even be looking for the same thing as far as a casual encounter is concerned, they still don’t want to get the impression that the guy is so desperate for a hook up.
Hence, it is best to avoid being overly sexual in your approach to girls on online dating sites.
Let them fall for the guy that you are first.
By showing girls a good dose of your personality in your interactions with them and making them laugh often, you will really endear yourself to them.
This should be your initial approach.
You may get a girl to a place where she is so comfortable with you that she actually starts initiating flirtation herself.
Hence, simply be patient when it comes to your approach with girls on online dating sites.
Once they feel comfortable with you, they will be a lot more likely to want to meet up with you or even hook up, if that is what the both of you are looking for.