It is okay to use a professional photographer.
However, whether you are a model or not, authenticity in an online dating profile is absolutely essential.
You can use a professional photographer on some pictures, but the majority of your pictures should be taken by regular people in natural environments.
As an online dater, you need to give a person who visits your online dating profile a good idea of what your personality and life is like through your pictures.
If you were to completely fill your online dating profile with pictures taken by a professional photographer, you would make it seem as though you are more superficial than authentic.
You can pepper your online dating profile with a few pictures taken by a professional photographer but they should be minimal compared to the rest of your pictures.
To be on the safe side, you can put one picture that was shot by a professional photographer for every three regular pictures that you have.
The pictures that are shot by a professional photographer should also not just be relegated to a studio.
Remember that you are on an online dating site trying to find a romantic mate.
You are not a model who is taking pictures in a studio with the intent of sending those pictures to different modeling agencies.
This is where you have to be really careful when you use a professional photographer to take some of your photos.
You may be tempted to take a lot of photos in unnatural settings like a studio.
You may even choose to have a background in some of these photos but the background would be fake, being that you are taking these pictures in a studio.
These are not effective pictures.
Again, you will come off as inauthentic with pictures like this on your online dating profile.
If you choose to use a professional photographer, it is best to get them to take pictures of you in real settings.
The pictures should not have a feel of having been taken in a studio.
Have this professional photographer take pictures of you as you are engaged in activities that you love.
This is how you can best use a professional photographer.
Instead of only having the professional photographer take photos of you in a studio, have them take photos of you in more natural environments.
You shouldn’t be posing for the camera in these shots.
Again, it is best that they are taken while you are engaged in activities that you love.
Hence, they would be taken as though you weren’t aware that the camera was there.
These are the most effective kind of pictures to use on your online dating profile.
They give you a much better presentation because they make you appear to be authentic.
It is okay for online daters who aren’t models to use professional photographers because professional photographers will often be able to shoot from a perspective that most normal people wouldn’t have been able to do.
They may be able to shoot you as you are engaged in an activity that you love in a manner that a regular person would not have had the eye to do.
This would help in not only showcasing what you are doing but showcasing it in a way that compliments you.
Again, it is best not to completely fill your online dating profile with professionally taken shots.
This way, you don’t come off as too deliberate in the pictures that you post.
Whether you are a model or not, this would be something that every online dater would benefit from.
By peppering a few pictures that were taken by a professional photographer with pictures that were taken by regular people, you will be able to present yourself in the most authentic, yet eye-catching manner.