My Girlfriend Seems To Have Visited Two Dating Sites Whilst I Was Gone For Two Weeks. Should I Break Up With Her Or Not?

My Girlfriend Seems To Have Visited Two Dating Sites Whilst I Was Gone For Two Weeks. Should I Break Up With Her Or Not?

A girlfriend that seemingly visited two dating sites whilst you were gone for two weeks is a topic worth discussing with said girlfriend.

This said, before you have this discussion with her, do your research first.

Get as much information as you can about these visits.

Did they occur at times that she is unoccupied?

This indicates that she allegedly logged into these dating sites at times she wasn’t working or preoccupied with tasks, which means that she spent a while on them.

Did she use usernames that she uses on other online platforms?

This means that these are current usernames and not usernames from a long time yonder.

This further elucidates that these were recent visits to these dating sites.

Do the dating sites cater to an audience that matches what your girlfriend is attracted to in a guy, whether it be in personality, lifestyle, socio-economic status, ethnicity, etc.,?

This indicates that these are dating sites that have a pool of men that she is traditionally attracted to.

Does anyone else have access to the device she used to allegedly log into these two dating sites?

An absence of anyone else having access to the device, points to her being the one who was using the device at the times that the dating sites were visited.

Once you have gathered this information, you have much more to work with.

If the answers to all these questions are in the affirmative, your girlfriend was most definitely the one who visited these two dating sites while you were gone for two weeks.

The whole reason for doing your own private investigation to answer these questions is to gather enough corroborating evidence, leaving no doubt that your girlfriend was the one who visited these two dating sites and no one else.

When you ask her about whether she visited these two dating sites, avoid telling her anything about all the other nuggets of information you learned as you performed your own private investigation of the situation.

Stick with asking her about whether she visited these dating sites.

A denial is a very bad sign.

It means that she is lying to you.

A girlfriend that is lying to you isn’t trustworthy.

A much better response is to admit what she did, apologize, and urge you to give her a chance to prove her loyalty to you.

A denial is an indication that she bears no remorse for having visited these dating sites.

This only means one thing.

Should you believe her, and try to put this incident behind you, she is visiting dating sites again in the foreseeable future.

Yes, a few months from now, when everything seems to have settled, she becomes less anxious about the sustainability of the relationship, and is suddenly getting the itch to visit dating sites again.

Should you so happen to be absent at the time, on yet another trip somewhere, the temptation is too great for her to resist.

She is logging into dating sites again.

To keep yourself from reliving this betrayal all over again, use a simple litmus test.

Should she deny that she visited these dating sites, break up with her.

To reiterate, this is a sign that she bears no remorse, which means she is visiting dating sites again in the near future.