He Said He’s Only Been With Skinny Women. So Why Did He Like Me On A Dating App?

He Said He's Only Been With Skinny Women. So Why Did He Like Me On A Dating App?

Guys on dating apps don’t receive anywhere near as many matches as women, especially skinny women.

When you matched with this guy and asked him about the body types he likes on women, he told you that he’s only been with skinny women.

This is a red flag.

You aren’t a skinny woman, far from it.

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Are Dating Apps Destroying Traditional Dating Cultures Or Empowering People To Find Love?

Are Dating Apps Destroying Traditional Dating Cultures Or Empowering People To Find Love?

Traditional dating cultures aren’t gone.

Dating apps provide an alternative.

Regardless of how popular dating apps are, there are traditional people who continue to meet their dates and find love through traditional means.

These are men that are approaching women in public, striking up a conversation, and asking her out on a date should there be romantic chemistry.

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Would You Be Okay With Your Partner Using Dating Apps To Find Friends And Not Mention Being In A Relationship?

Would You Be Okay With Your Partner Using Dating Apps To Find Friends And Not Mention Being In A Relationship?

There are much better places to find friends besides dating apps.

A partner that wants to use dating apps to find friends is seeking the attention of women on said dating apps.

He doesn’t mention that he is already in a relationship so as to avoid turning off his potential matches.

No matter what your partner tells you about an intent to find new friends and nothing more, letting him use dating apps is akin to playing with fire.

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