Why Didn’t My Ex Go Back To Online Dating After He Broke Up With Me?

Why Didn't My Ex Go Back To Online Dating After He Broke Up With Me?

Your ex may not be emotionally ready to go back to online dating.

If the both of you recently broke up, he may still be experiencing the emotional repercussions of the breakup.

It may have really impacted him.

Even though he was the one that broke up with you, it may have been difficult for him to do.

It may have taken your ex a while to come to come to terms with the fact that he wanted to break up with you.

In fact, he may have been wrestling with the thought of breaking up with you for weeks before he finally did it.

If he experienced this amount of emotional stress in the process of trying to figure out whether he should break up with you or not, it would be really hard for him to go back to online dating after having done the deed of breaking up with you.

Now that he has broken up with you, your ex may need some time to process what just happened.

He may need some more time to process the relationship itself.

In essence, your ex may want to take some time out to really consider what is important to him in a relationship.

He may want some time out to figure out what kind of person would be his best match.

He may have thought that you were that person.

However, being that he broke up with you, he may feel as though he made a poor choice in who he believed would be his best match.

As a result, instead of jumping right back to online dating and risking the possibility that he could make the same mistake again in someone that he chooses to date, he may want to take a break from online dating at this time.

He may also take this time to try to figure himself out.

He may want to ask himself a few questions about whether he even wants to pursue a relationship with anyone at this time.

Oftentimes, this is a period where he may even take a lot more time out to engage in his hobbies or hang out with friends.

He may just want to engage in activities that make him happy at this time and not have to deal with the pressure of being in a relationship.

If your ex was to go right back to online dating, he may feel that it would be too rushed.

He may just want some room to breathe and get away from the responsibilities that have to do with being in a relationship.

After he broke up with you, he may have even asked himself whether online dating was at all worth it.

This is especially possible if he has had a few other relationships with women that he met through online dating that simply didn’t work out.

In other words, you may not be the first woman that he has broken up with that he met through online dating.

If there has been a repeated pattern of failed relationships with women that he meets when online dating, he may be assessing whether it is worth it to go back to online dating at all.