Would You Be Okay With Your Partner Using Dating Apps To Find Friends And Not Mention Being In A Relationship?

Would You Be Okay With Your Partner Using Dating Apps To Find Friends And Not Mention Being In A Relationship?

There are much better places to find friends besides dating apps.

A partner that wants to use dating apps to find friends is seeking the attention of women on said dating apps.

He doesn’t mention that he is already in a relationship so as to avoid turning off his potential matches.

No matter what your partner tells you about an intent to find new friends and nothing more, letting him use dating apps is akin to playing with fire.

Your partner wants to eat his cake and have it too.

He wants the advantage of you in his life as his girlfriend and insurance policy, while enjoying the freedom of finding female so-called friends on dating apps and getting their attention.

Although he claims to be looking for friends, he does want his ego boosted by getting attention from these so-called friends.

This has trouble written all over it.

It means that you aren’t enough for him.

Keep in mind that he knew what he was doing when he decided to get into an exclusive relationship with you.

He chose to court you, and knew full well what he was getting into in becoming your boyfriend.

There are compromises that come with an exclusive relationship, one of which is a loyalty to one’s partner.

You are supposed to be exclusively committed to each other.

A relationship doesn’t work when one party wants to get attention from people of the opposite sex who are outside the relationship.

Either partner should be enough for the other.

A partner that is using dating apps to find friends, and not mentioning that he is in a relationship, is being disingenuous.

Even though he keeps giving you a sob story about how difficult it is for him to find friends in the real world, this is all hogwash.

If he prefers to find friends online, there are several places to find friends online without having to use dating apps.

There are communities online that cater to just about every hobby or interest there is.

These are communities online that cater to people who are primarily introverted by nature, and showcases activities that introverts advocate such as writing, reading, or gaming.

Finding platonic friends is entirely possible in these communities online.

It’s critical you don’t give in to any sob story he tells you about how his shyness or social awkwardness leaves him no choice but to use dating apps to find friends.

Given that there are communities online other than dating apps where there are people like him who enjoy the activities he enjoys renders that argument mute.

Dating apps are primarily designed to bring people together who are seeking a romantic partner or a hookup.

Dating apps that have additional services such as the option to find platonic friends aren’t worth the risk either.

There is too much crossover.

The truth is, a lot of people on dating apps who claim to be only seeking friends are saying that to attract people who are looking to build a friendship before the possibility of romance.

In other words, she states that she is looking for friendship on her profile, but is primarily intent on a romance to develop with someone after a period of friendship.

All of this is far too risky.

Needless to say, it isn’t okay for a partner to use dating apps to find friends.

Tell him that there are a variety of places to find friends online besides dating apps.

If he chooses not to heed this, it’s time to let him go.