Do People Double Like Across Different Dating Apps?

Do People Double Like Across Different Dating Apps?

There are certainly people who double like across different dating apps.

It doesn’t hurt to do it as long as you keep it to only a couple of dating apps.

It can help to increase the likelihood that you get a response from the person of interest.

You don’t really know which dating app is most preferred by the person of whose profile you liked.

Oftentimes, when you find a person on multiple dating apps, there is a hierarchy in terms of the app that they tend to use the most.

By double liking, you give yourself a better shot at getting a response because one of those dating apps could be their most preferred.

In essence, one of those dating apps could be the one that they tend to use the most.

Now, if you do choose to double like this person’s profile on a different app, you should make sure that your own profile isn’t a carbon copy of the one on the other dating app.

People often make the mistake of copying and pasting the exact type of dating profile that they are using on all their other online dating accounts.

They post the exact photo and include the exact information.

This wouldn’t work in your favor.

Joining multiple dating apps will do you no good if you are merely rehashing everything that you have included in your other dating apps.

When you are simultaneously using another dating app in order to find a match, you should use that as an opportunity to show another side of you.

If all you do is rehash everything that is on your other dating profiles, you run the risk of getting the exact same reaction from dating prospects.

If you haven’t been getting their attention on one dating app, there is a good chance that the same thing will happen on any other dating app that you join.

People often respond in the same way to a dating profile regardless of which dating app you choose to use.

This is why you have to change things up whenever you have a dating profile on multiple dating apps.

When you are on multiple dating apps, make every single dating profile that you use unique.

Use a different set of photos, write a different bio about yourself and infuse elements of your personality that aren’t in the other dating profiles, provide new information about yourself, etc.

You get the idea.

Make that new dating profile on a different dating app feel fresh and new.

Doing all of this increases the chances that you will have success on some of these dating apps.

It also gives you a better chance of getting a response from whoever it is that you have double liked.

If you use the exact same dating profile, this person may not feel inclined to respond to your message.

They may have already seen your dating profile on the other dating app and chosen not to respond to it due to a lack of interest.

If you use the same dating profile yet again on this other dating app that the person of interest is using simultaneously, they will react in the same way.

Whereas, if you had created a completely fresh dating profile with different photos, information and detail, they may have chosen to respond.

If you choose to be on multiple dating apps at the same time, make each of your dating profiles unique.

This increases your chances of getting a response from someone that you double like and it also increases your chances of success in online dating in general.