Do You Bother Talking To Girls Or Guys With No Pic Showing On Their Online Dating Profile?

Do You Bother Talking To Girls Or Guys With No Pic Showing On Their Online Dating Profile?

Some girls or guys don’t have a pic showing on their online dating profile for valid reasons.

A girl or guy may simply be really uncomfortable with putting up a pic at this time on their online dating profile.

Hence, you shouldn’t always discard people like this on online dating sites by not bothering to talk to them.

It may be best that you take a look at this person’s online dating profile before making a judgment on them.

Sometimes, girls or guys who don’t have a pic showing on their online dating profile will explain why they don’t in their online dating profile essay.

If you take the time to read their online dating profile essay, you may learn that they just don’t feel comfortable putting up a pic because they are either really private or they don’t feel safe in doing it.

They may even proceed to mention that they would be willing to send a person who makes a request a pic for them to view privately.

Hence, in a scenario like this, though the girl or guy has no pic showing on their online dating profile, they have explained the reasons why in their online dating profile essay and are also willing to send a private pic to whoever makes a request of them.

There are some people who are simply not that comfortable with putting their faces out there so publicly.

This may be the first time they have ever tried online dating and they are proceeding with caution.

They may even be a very private person in real life and hence would find it awkward to put their faces out there for everyone.

This is why you shouldn’t immediately assume that you shouldn’t bother talking to girls or guys with no pic showing on their online dating profile.

Some of these girls or guys truly have valid reasons for not having a pic showing on their online dating profile.

They aren’t all necessarily unattractive people.

You may actually be really doing yourself a disservice by not bothering to talk to any girl or guy with no pic on their online dating profile that you happen to run into.

Take a moment to actually read this person’s online dating profile essay.

There is a chance that this person actually explained why they don’t have a pic and that explanation may indeed be valid.

Another reason why you should not immediately discard girls or guys with no pic on their online dating profiles by not bothering to talk to them is because some of these girls or guys may have actually only recently joined the online dating site.

Hence, they may still be in the process of actually completing their online dating profile.

You should check to see how recently the girl or guy joined the online dating site.

The online dating site will often let you know if this is a new member or not.

If you notice that this girl or guy is a new member, there is a good chance that they haven’t yet had a chance to post photos to their online dating profile or they are in the process of selecting the right photos to post.

To not bother trying to talk to this girl or guy may be to your detriment because they may have photos up relatively soon.

However, by not bothering to talk to them, you may miss out on your opportunity to be one of the first to do so and thereby get a head start on everyone else.

Though there are most certainly people who have no pics on their online dating profiles because they are truly unhappy with how they look, this isn’t always the case.

Hence, it is best to not be so judgmental at the first sign of an online dating profile that has no pic.