Ever Met Someone Who Looked Better Than In Their Pictures On A Dating Site?

Ever Met Someone Who Looked Better Than In Their Pictures On A Dating Site?

There are certainly people who have looked better in life than they do in their pictures on a dating site.

Some people actually don’t know how to post the right kind of pictures on their dating profiles.

Hence, they may post a number of pictures that don’t really show off just how attractive they are.

When you happen to meet these people in real life on a date, you may be shocked at how much better they look than in their pictures on a dating site.

Also, there are lots of shy girls and guys on dating sites.

Oftentimes, shy girls and guys won’t post pictures that show them at their best.

They were already hesitant to post any picture in the first place on their dating profiles.

However, upon further nudging by friends, family or by simply understanding that they have much less of a chance of getting messaged by people on a dating site without having pictures, they surrender to posting pictures on their dating profile.

Oftentimes, these pictures may not be of the best quality or show them in the best light.

They may also only post one or two pictures on their dating profile.

If these pictures aren’t of the best quality or just aren’t particularly flattering, they may come off as a lot less attractive than they really are in real life.

This is often why upon meeting this person on a date in real life, they can look so much better than what they looked like in their pictures on a dating site.

You could meet someone who looks better in real life than in their pictures on a dating site quite frequently.

There are some girls and guys who actually purposely post pictures of themselves on a dating site that aren’t that flattering.

They often do this because they do not want the person who messages them to be solely focused on their looks.

This is a person that may have gotten used to receiving a lot of attention from people in the real world for their looks.

They may have gotten into ill-fated relationships because they allowed themselves to fall for people who only saw them for what they looked like on the outside.

As a result, they may sign up on a dating site so as to change this experience.

Being that most people in the real world react to them principally due to their good looks, these people decide to post mediocre pictures of themselves on their dating profiles.

They no longer want to only attract people who are drawn to their looks.

They want to attract people of more substance. Hence, it is not a surprise that these people end up looking better than in their pictures on a dating site upon meeting them in person.

These people may have reached the point where they simply want to attract someone who could look at them as more than just a pretty or handsome face.

In purposely posting mediocre pictures of themselves on a dating site, they are hoping to attract a person of substance.

You can meet someone who looks better than in their pictures on a dating site when the person in question may have initially joined the dating site when they were less attractive.

Perhaps they joined it when they were a heavier in body size or when they had a personal style that wasn’t befitting their natural beauty.

This person may have neglected updating their dating profile with pictures that show how they look in present day.

Being that they have lost weight and look a lot more trim and may have changed their personal style, you may be shocked to see how much better they look in real life than in their pictures on a dating site.

Sometimes, people like this neglect to update their pictures on a dating site because they may not feel that they are quite where they want to be in terms of their weight or they may not be entirely comfortable with their new personal style.

Hence, they stay with the older pictures that they have on their dating profiles because that is what they know and are currently comfortable with keeping as a representation of themselves.