Ex Boyfriend Keeps Looking At My Online Dating Profile?

Ex Boyfriend Keeps Looking At My Online Dating Profile?

Your ex boyfriend may miss you to the point where he can’t help but keep looking at your online dating profile.

He may miss what it was like to have you in his life.

If a decent amount of time has elapsed since your breakup, his mind may have gotten over the negative aspects of the past relationship and is now focusing on the positive aspects of it.

This is often what the mind does when it starts missing a person, especially after the initial negativity of the breakup has subsided.

That may be the state of mind that your ex boyfriend is in at this time and hence why he keeps looking at your online dating profile.

Your ex boyfriend may be reminiscing about the good times in your relationship in his mind on a daily basis.

He keeps looking at your online dating profile because it allows him to connect with you mentally.

There may be a part of him that just wants to experience what it was like back when things were good in your relationship.

As your ex boyfriend reminisces, the feeling that your online dating profile gives him helps to make that nostalgic experience that much more powerful.

That sense of missing you may have created a sense of longing.

Hence, he may find it difficult to keep himself from looking at your online dating profile.

Another reason why your you ex boyfriend keeps looking at your online dating profile may be because he has actually met a new person in his life and he is comparing that person with you.

He may have met a new girl on the online dating site that he is either currently talking to or perhaps even dating.

There may be qualities about her that remind him of you. That may have even been one of the reasons why he started talking to her in the first place on the online dating site.

Your ex boyfriend keeps looking at your online dating profile because he may want to compare some of the similarities as well as differences that you may have with this new girl in his life.

There may be a part of him that is hoping that by looking at your online dating profile, he can find enough good similarities between the both of you.

Getting this kind of information may make him feel as though he made the right choice in this new girl.

In other words, he may be hoping that by finding similarities in your personalities and life experiences, he has found someone just like you that he now has another shot at dating.

By finding someone similar to you, he may feel as though he would be giving himself a second chance at getting a similar kind of relationship right.

However, this time he hopes that it would be without any of the negativity that resulted out of his relationship with you.

On the flip side, your ex boyfriend keeps looking at your online dating profile because he may want to find all of the areas that make you so different from this new girl that he may be talking to or dating.

In other words, he may not want to make the same mistakes as the ones he made when he was in a relationship with you.

By looking at your online dating profile in order to ascertain that there are no similarities between you and this new girl in his life, he is hoping that he gets it right this time.

He may believe that the less similar this new girl is to you, the less likely this new relationship ends up the way the last one did.