Has My Girlfriend That I Met On A Dating Website Lost Interest Due To Long Distance?

Has My Girlfriend That I Met On A Dating Website Lost Interest Due To Long Distance?

If your girlfriend is not being as consistent in communication with you, there is a good chance that she has lost interest.

To determine whether this loss of interest is due to long distance, think back to the conversations that you have had with her in recent past.

Try to remember some of the complaints that she shared.

If you recall that she has had complaints about the long distance and her inability to see you as often as she would like, she may have lost interest due to long distance.

Though she may have seemed keen to talk to you when you first met her on a dating website, she may not have been originally intending to date someone who was long distance when she joined the dating website.

She may have started talking to you because she found you attractive and liked your personality.

She may not have even really considered the likelihood of getting into a relationship with you.

Perhaps she just thought that she could talk with you and enjoy the banter but nothing more.

As it turns out, the both of you really connected in a way that she hadn’t connected with any other guys on the dating website.

This led to a relationship.

Your girlfriend may have found a way to convince herself that the long distance relationship would work.

She may have told herself that as long as she was able to talk to you on a regular basis, she would be fine.

She may have even told herself that the distance wasn’t all that great.

At this juncture, she was just caught up in how good you were making her feel emotionally.

Hence, she was finding ways to make herself believe that this long distance relationship would work.

Your girlfriend tried to make herself forget that she never intended to get into a long distance relationship when she joined a dating website.

She tried to make herself forget that her preference would have been that anyone who met her on a dating website would live locally.

Once she got into a relationship with you, she tried to tell herself that it would all work out.

Unfortunately, she may have finally come to the realization that a long distance relationship is simply something that she can’t handle any longer.

This may be the primary reason why your girlfriend lost interest in you.

She may not have lost interest due to anything that you did wrong per se.

It may simply be that your girlfriend has finally come to accept that a long distance relationship is something that she just can’t do.

Though a lack of communication from your girlfriend is a strong indicator of a loss of interest, she may have hoped that it wouldn’t come to this.

Indeed she may have been initially fine with the long distance because she had gotten the impression that this aspect of the relationship wouldn’t last.

In other words, when she first got into a relationship with you, she may have believed that you would both be living locally relatively soon.

That may have been one of the main reasons why she chose to take a chance on getting into a long distance relationship with you.

However, some time may have elapsed and she has lost her patience.

If she believed that the both of you would be living in the same area by now and it hasn’t happened, she would become despondent.

Again, if you can think back to your recent conversations with your girlfriend, you will probably notice that she may have been grumbling about the distance of late.

Perhaps she would say phrases like, “Too bad you weren’t with me at my cousin’s birthday last weekend. Just like you weren’t a few months ago for my best friend’s birthday. As usual, everyone kept asking about where my boyfriend was.”

Comments in this vain would indicate that she was getting more and more frustrated with the distance.

Without any hope that the long distance issue would change, she may have decided that it would be best to allow herself to start losing interest in you.