Internet Dating: Should I Tell Him I Have Tattoos?

Internet Dating: Should I Tell Him I Have Tattoos?

You should tell him that you have tattoos.

Being that you have several of them, giving him a heads up with this knowledge would be wise.

He may have no problem with the fact that you have tattoos.

Tattoos have become very popular.

They are no longer relegated to people at sea.

People of all works of life have tattoos now.

Your own doctor or attorney probably has one or more.

Hence, try not to be too worried about telling him that you have tattoos.

The mistake that people who have tattoos often make while internet dating is that they get caught up in the worry that other people may not like the fact that they have tattoos.

They immediately assume that the clean cut person that they have been talking to on the internet dating site would disapprove of their tattoos.

Meanwhile, this clean cut person may actually have more tattoos on them than they do.

You shouldn’t make these assumptions.

By making them, you could end up jeopardizing your interaction with someone because you just make yourself believe that they would never approve of your tattoos.

You would make this assumption because you may have been talking to this person on the internet dating site for some time and based on their stories, you may get the sense that this is the type of person who wouldn’t approve of tattoos.

However, yet again, you don’t really know this.

Some of the most clean cut people in society have tattoos.

Being that you were already worried about the fact that you have tattoos from the very beginning of your interaction with this guy, you may find a way to tell yourself that it may be best to stop talking to this person.

You worry that the further you talk to this person on the internet dating site, the higher the likelihood that you start getting feelings for them and you don’t want to put yourself in this position.

Hence, you start trying to convince yourself that it would be best to stop talking to them, even though you have been enjoying your correspondence, just so that you don’t find yourself in a position where you get hurt.

You may not even be aware that you have this mindset.

You may just slowly start acting differently.

It takes you a little longer to respond to their messages or you respond with a lot less detail.

Eventually, they will get the sense that you are no longer liking them and they may stop communicating with you altogether.

Telling the person that you have tattoos early on in your interaction with them on the internet dating site is often the best way to go about it.

This way, you haven’t allowed your interaction with them to build to a point where feelings have now developed.

By letting a person know about your tattoos early, you never have to put yourself in a position where you feel the need to start jeopardizing the interaction.

You should tell this guy that you met while internet dating that you have tattoos because the last thing you want is to take the time to show up on a date after all this build up, just to have him appalled by all the tattoos that you have.

If he has a problem with tattoos, it is best to find out now, before you actually meet him.

You will only make this harder for yourself by blindsiding him with all of your tattoos if the both of you decide to meet on a date in real life.

Time is precious.

If you were not to tell this guy about your tattoos and he were to meet you and doesn’t like them, it could make for a really awkward date.

No need to put yourself in this position.

It is best to tell him that you have tattoos beforehand.