Open your first message by referencing information she spoke of in her bio.
This lets her know that you took the time to read her bio.
Thanks to this action alone, you are already ahead of leagues of men on online dating sites who never bother to read a girl’s bio.
All these men care about are her photos.
As a result, whenever they send her a message, it is superficial.
He makes a comment about how sexy or pretty she is, thinking that this is a solid tactic to get her to reply to his message.
It isn’t.
It has the opposite effect.
She is turned off by it and doesn’t bother to reply.
When your first message references information from her bio, she is already impressed by you.
You are a breath of fresh air.
This opens her up to what you have to say.
Which means, she is actually taking the time to read your first message to her, as opposed to ignoring it, as she does to the bulk of messages she receives from men on the online dating site that are almost always superficial.
Asking her an open-ended question in reference to information she has in her bio is a great start.
It means that you are inciting conversation by giving her a question to answer.
A good approach is to use information that she described with reverence.
For example, if she described a recent vacation she went on, and clearly demonstrated how much she loved it, ask an open-ended question in reference to it.
Be precise so that she really gets the impression that you read her anecdote in detail, and didn’t skim through it.
If she talked about something in particular she did during the vacation, such as a landmark she loved seeing, ask her an open-ended question in reference to that landmark.
A first message in this vain makes her think about her vacation.
Being that she already stated that she had a wonderful time during the vacation, you have already put her mind in a happy place.
She has a smile on her face as she recalls the day she journeyed to the landmark that marveled her.
She can smell the air that day.
In her mind’s eye, she sees the landmark in all of its glorious detail, as though she had just visited it yesterday.
In that moment, she is filled with the same energy she had on the day she visited the landmark.
Happy and ebullient energy.
It is in this spirit that she is compelled to reply to your message.
By simply asking her an open-ended question in reference to information she wrote in her bio, you have gotten her to do several things she rarely does with messages she receives from men on the online dating site.
That is to open your message, read it, and reply.
Good for you.
Furthermore, when you send a first message to a girl on an online dating site, you increase the likelihood of her reading it and replying to it by using her name in your message.
Plenty of guys never do this.
They are so consumed with sending her a superficial message, in reaction to her eye-catching photos, the thought of using her name doesn’t even cross their minds.
A first message that includes the name of the girl you are messaging personalizes the message.
It instantly makes her feel like you see her as a human being, and not an object.
By using her name in your first message, you grab her attention, compelling her to click on your message and read it.
It’s a subtle touch that is often ignored by men on online dating sites.
Doing it sets you apart from a large share of them.