What Kind Of Dating Site Profiles Turn Women Off?

What Kind Of Dating Site Profiles Turn Women Off?

A dating site profile that is very brief and nondescriptive tends to turn women off.

When a woman finds the dating site profile of a guy who didn’t bother to describe his life or interests in detail, she will most likely get turned off.

It indicates to her that the guy didn’t care about writing his bio in detail.

In essence, he just doesn’t care to let people get a better idea about him.

This would indicate to her that he either isn’t taking online dating very seriously or he is just looking for a casual relationship.

A dating site profile that has very superficial pictures may also turn women off.

When a guy fills his dating site profile with superficial shirtless pictures of himself or pictures that show off his motorbike or car, women tend to get turned off.

Seeing pictures like this on a guy’s dating site profile often makes the woman feel as though the guy has nothing to offer but superficiality.

In essence, there is no real substance to the guy.

The woman would assume that he would most likely be a selfish type of guy.

If she were to get into a discussion with him, he would most likely be talking more so about himself than trying to get to know her.

Women would feel a sense of caution about a dating site profile like this.

They may worry that if they were to allow themselves to start talking to this guy and fall for him, he may never take the relationship seriously.

Being that he is so superficial, she may be easily replaceable to him because he just wouldn’t be emotionally invested in her.

He will only care about himself.

A dating site profile that has a good number of grammatical errors also tends to turn women off.

Indeed, most women do not expect a guy to write like Shakespeare, but they do expect a guy to write a dating site profile that isn’t full of grammatical errors.

When a woman comes across a dating site profile that has a good number of grammatical errors, it instantly makes her feel as though the guy wouldn’t be much fun to talk to.

She may worry that he won’t be able to keep an intelligible conversation going and there wouldn’t be much substance to what he talks about.

Women typically want to feel that whoever they choose to respond to on a dating site is going to be someone that they can have a free-flowing and intelligible conversation with.

If they get the sense that the guy isn’t particularly intelligent, they may worry that they would be stuck in unintelligible conversations with the guy.

They don’t like this.

A dating site profile that is too focused on what the guy is looking for in a mate tends to turn women off.

If the guy spends a lot more time describing what kind of woman that he wants to meet, than in describing himself and what his life is like, women can get turned off.

They may feel that the guy is simply being too unrealistic and too focused on what he wants out of online dating.

When the guy takes so much time to describe the kind of women that he wants and he is very intent on finding that perfect mate, women may look at this with disdain.

They may be worried that this is all the guy cares about.

He may not care at all about what he brings to the table.

It may be all about what he wants.

These women may not want to be the perfect mate to this guy or they may simply not believe that they can meet his expectation of perfection.

Hence, they are turned off by this guy’s dating site profile and choose not to correspond with him.